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  1. J

    For Your Amusement:
  2. J

    Spot the Mistake.

    In this week's issue Private Eye have decided to take the not very original step of having a go at the amount of money City have spent. They should have engaged a technical consultant.
  3. J

    Life Imitating Art

    Have put some of these on Twitter. Sorry if you've already seen them. Funny we should be playing Norway: Tell you what - my missus is a real sport. Won't hear a word against her: She said, "No kissing," but, fortunately, wasn't referring to the trophy.
  4. J

    the i love carlos tevez thread.

    What's this? A sense of perspective?
  5. J

    The Victory Parade (Merged)

    Taggart quite rightly declared best Premiership manager (so far). (Giggs won award, but tried to keep it quiet). All duly reported by media - including this bit: Ferguson, the victim of a taunt by City striker Carlos Tevez during the Blues' title-winning parade in Manchester yesterday...
  6. J

    The Victory Parade (Merged)

    F*ck me. The poster is the lead story on 5 Live news. United have agreed to let the matter drop, in view of City's prompt apology. IT'S A F*CKING JOKE. YOU KNOW, A JOKE. Like all those rib-ticklers in Red Issue, about Hillsborough, Suarez, and what have you. And what have they got to say about...
  7. J

    The Victory Parade (Merged)

    If you read the MUEN comments, you'll observe that Rags are saying that CT's actions show that you can't buy class. I have taken the liberty of compiling a brief list of things that money can buy: 1) A superinjunction for Sir Ryan Gentleman Family Man Role Model Giggs, O.B.E., V.D. and Scar...
  8. J

    The Victory Parade (Merged)

    From the MUEN: When the Blues last claimed the title, in May 1968, the Rolling Stones were number 1 with Jumping Jack Flash (sic) Except that they weren't, not even with "Jumpin' Jack Flash". Louis Armstrong, "What A Wonderful World". Easily checked by any competent journalist.
  9. J

    The Victory Parade (Merged)

    A face in the crowd. Corner of Deansgate/Bootle Street. Tried to get a chant going, get him on our shoulders, but he wouldn't have it. Set up HQ at the Sir Ralph Abercromby. Later repaired to Rafa's. Bouncing.
  10. J

    Terry "f***wit" Christian and Ian Cheeseman

    Known TC since he came to Piccadilly in 1988. He thought it was him v. The World even then. A few years ago I got in late, put the telly on, and heard his droning voice. He was on Big Brother, boring the arse of some mystified Septic at 1.30 a.m. about . . . guess what? The Yank had no idea what...
  11. J

    James h Reeve

    Feel free. Courtesy of King of the Kippax:
  12. J

    James h Reeve

    This is all too much. No more than another two hundred flattering comments, please. Anyway, the Heaton Park toilets thing is purely for reasons of personal hygiene if QPR get into our eighteen yard box. No other boxes will be entered. Don't get me started on Sweeney. My favourite moment was...
  13. J

    James h Reeve

    I'm in the back bedroom on me computer. What's that got to do with it? I don't know whether I can bear to watch. Couldn't face the derby - hid until it was over. Friend of mine in Oxford says she's taking the dog for a 2-hour walk tomorrow afty, then going to look on the Beeb website with one...
  14. J

    James h Reeve

    I'm not falling for that again.
  15. J

    James h Reeve

    A) True. B) Not true. Any mixing up of the jingles was entirely accidental. When they installed new-fangled CD players, I didn't really know how they worked, so accidentally played "Mistletoe and Wine" on August Bank Holiday. What I did do deliberately was make a spoof commercial. Got Laura...
  16. J

    James h Reeve

    Layz'n'gemman, the notorious Don Price tells me I am being discussed here. I am most flattered by the kind comments. The griff is that Big Fat Phil Williams (Villa fan - awww!) off Radio 5 is a mate of mine, and he put my name to his producer coz he knows I was at St. James's in 68. I must have...
  17. J


    Good old BBC:
  18. J

    James H Reeve

    OK. Here we go. Go to this on Youtube. After 6'50" keep your eye on the copper walking behind the goal. As the commentator says, "Offside against Coleman," a shadowy figure rises up and is restrained by the constable. It is I.
  19. J

    James H Reeve

    Right. This should prove I'm me. I had a photo of the Newcastle copper who sent me back over the wall. Annoyingly, I'm not in the shot, but I remember him. He had a flat hat on. If you watch the video of the game you can actually see it happen, just a few seconds before the end. I gave the...
  20. J

    James H Reeve

    Aha. It turns out that the Britannic Printing hoarding was on the wall above the tunnel between the Platt Lane and the Kippax. It was there in the 50s and early 60s. That's the best I can do. Thanks for all efforts.

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