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  1. P

    The Same Old Traps

    Thanks Goo, for articulating what I had in my head and making it clear. Saved me a lot of work-much easier reading what you wrote and thinking 'yep, spot on!'.
  2. P

    Premier League's own FFP restrictions?

    Re: Rags, Liverpool and Arsenal back FFP style financial control “It made sense and was for the benefit of football clubs could operate within their own resources and it would bring about a limiting effect on player cost, in terms of transfers and wages. “We are comfortable with it.'...
  3. P

    How Much Did The 35 Years Thing Wind You Up?

    Few years ago at the derby the reds started their 32 (or how many it was then) years chant and we responded straight away '..and we're still here' and basically joined in with their chant and made it ours. The look of confusion that their 'big-wind-up' didn't work was pretty funny. So did their...
  4. P

    Lawro predicts....

    Liverpool are a good team, we are better. As long as we can handle Carroll, we will beat them. Look at the teams who have taken points from Liverpool this season-we are better than all of them. Look at what we've achieved this season in the Premier and show everyone what we're made of. And pick...
  5. P

    Is this wrong or right??

    If his attendance record is very good-one day will make no difference if he is committed to working hard to catch up on the day he misses. My son is 21 and daughter is 19, they were hardly ever off school, but I remember asking school if they could miss one day as my nephew got married in...
  6. P

    Who Do You Want In The 3rd Round?

    Two lads at work, one supports Cambridge, the other Wrexham. so one of them if they manage to beat Brentford. The Wrexham fan has a history of criticizing Mancini, so it's probably Cambridge for me.
  7. P

    City Vs Everton Post Game Discussion thread

    Sit right next to the away fans under the 'sky' box. The Everton fans have to be the worst I've seen since the Celtic game. Not just one or two either...Joe Royle was watching them with a look of disgust. I pointed him out to a couple of 'normal' Evertonians on the top row-they didn't fancy...
  8. P

    Napoli atmosphere...................

  9. P

    We're ruining football again....

    Yep you're right. I do wonder if some of the media think we were the first to pay a player more than £10,000 a week though! Did you hear Garth Crooks the other week when he was on with Gabby Yorath when he said he thought Gary Cahill should be with a 'BETTER' club? Incredible comment, I expect...
  10. P

    Rag delusion.

    Went to pick my daughter up from her mates on Wednesday-they were both nervous about their A'level results the follwing day. I chatted to her friend's mum while I was waiting for her get stuff ready. While we were chatting I got a text, I looked at it-it was from my son-he went to watch the...
  11. P

    Anyone Still Waiting For Their Season Ticket?

    I ordered a gold and my son, a platinum. Mine arrived yesterday-it's platinum and I hope his will arrive today (fingers crossed=it's getting too close for comfort now). I've been told that his will be a gold and I'll have to get them changed at the club.
  12. P

    Tevez for Maicon + 30 mil euros

    Maicon is the type of player we used to be linked with-not saying he isn't a good player, but he is suspect defensively. He is far better going forward-Bale destroyed him last year. If we are to 'part-swop' Tevez it should be for a player we want not who the other team think they can do without...

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