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  1. M

    Capital One Final - Sunday 2nd March - 2pm Kick Off

    I need I ticket for the final tomorrow. If anyone has a spare please pm me. Ta CTID
  2. M

    Capital One Final - Sunday 2nd March - 2pm Kick Off

    Hey guys. I know it's a long shot but does anyone have, or know someone that has, a spare ticket for the cup final? I've had to take an alternative flight back and I'll be in London at 7:00 am Sunday morning. CTID Mark Burgess -- Fri Feb 28, 2014 7:08 pm -- Hey guys. I know it's a long shot...
  3. M

    Chameleons vox - US tour starts this week

    Yeah I know.
  4. M

    Chameleons vox - US tour starts this week

    Yeah well I look forward to giving you the opportunity to express your 'opinions' when I'm in your face in about four weeks from now. Oh and Pirdy, I'm no Nick neither- yeah I heard that story. I was going to come and see you after you said all that shit about my girlfriend on the Wishville...
  5. M

    Chameleons vox - US tour starts this week

    Absolute utter twaddle Pirdy. Lie after lie after lie. Danbert's being doing it for years. He's never even heard or seen ChamVox. He shovels this shit every time my name comes up across the Internet. Pirdy I've had it with you. Soon as I'm back I'm coming to see you.
  6. M

    According to SSN... Tevez wants to go!

    Re: Tevez makes statement "I want to leave City" Absolutely sick and tired of this saga dragging on and on. He's been brilliant in a City shirt, no question and more often than not a joy to watch, but ffs enough's enough. It seems a bit weird to me that a player that misses his family so much...
  7. M

    Not Fit for a Chip

    Why not demonstrate how they're a fire risk by taking a bic lighter and fuckin' torching 'em... The papers I mean not the China man..
  8. M

    the suns pathetic agenda against city

    Are we really bothered about what the hacks at The Scum have to say about anything? Yesterday they got their noses rubbed in it good and proper. That'll do me, but while we're on the subject. Okay so they did say a few positive things in the match review - how could they not after an away...
  9. M

    Can anyone help us find this?

    A while back someone posted a link to a video of a Rag who who got played by a bunch of dippers that he'd met on holiday or something, a wind up that had him dashing up to Scotland to meet some none-existent bird. Does anyone still have that link? Ta
  10. M

    Death of a Football Legend and my Dad.....

    Just went through it myself last year, devastating. Now City seems more important to me than ever, if that's possible, every time I watched them I was always just that bit closer to my dad, now more than ever. It feels like he's at my shoulder sometimes. They've switched to the upper tier pal...
  11. M

    Learning a new language.

    Check local contact magazines, there are loads of birds in there offering French!
  12. M

    Unreacted Explosives Found in WTC Dust

    Sorry bad choice of words on my part, unreacted is a better, as stated in the thread title.
  13. M

    Unreacted Explosives Found in WTC Dust

    Well that's a fair enough statement :-D
  14. M

    Unreacted Explosives Found in WTC Dust

    Okay, I'm not interested in, or in the habit of "trawling the internet" as you put it for material or data simply to win an argument, or prove I'm clever, to appear clever, or whatever. I've got Megs of stuff on this subject sitting on my HD. All I've been saying if you'd read the posts - and...
  15. M

    Unreacted Explosives Found in WTC Dust

    What have you specifically found that gives your suggestion any basis? Other than his paper proposes and offers scientific evidence to support a view that you don't share. And if you're prepared to suggest the author is being less than honest about what he and his team believe they've found...
  16. M

    Unreacted Explosives Found in WTC Dust

    I haven't read a paper that's concurred with my preconceived notions, or thoughts! I had no idea that any actual evidence, aside from the circumstantial evidence of molten steel in the foundations and the state of Iron support structures that were photographed before the mayor had a chance to...
  17. M

    Unreacted Explosives Found in WTC Dust

    What I'm describing is what's in the paper that Dr Jones published, in which he actually uses and quotes data that are in official government reports and scientific publications as well as publishing the results of his team's tests; read it for yourself, read the discussions between Jones and...
  18. M

    Unreacted Explosives Found in WTC Dust

    These particular findings weren't, they were published in a paper by Dr Steven Jones in April of this year.
  19. M

    Unreacted Explosives Found in WTC Dust

    The deaths of the victims and rescue workers who were trapped in the collapse; the death of people who have since died due to complications that have arisen from inhalation of toxic particles created when the building collapsed; the deaths of people, on both sides, who have died and continue to...

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