Drunken Sleep Pissing - We've all done it, haven't we?

Had a leosayer on boddies gold in the Waldorf before the notts county 7-1, afterwards went back to birds halls of residence where I decided it would amuse oneself to let down the tyres on the girl-nextdoors deaf boyfriends bike! Passed out, woke during the night, pissed in wardrobe, got the 'what the fuck....?, muttered some reply, passed out, wasn't overpopular in the morning.
I'm a serial offender - I'd agree with DD, it's often when you're in unfamiliar surroundings, and the brain can't do the autopilot thing. I've done the usual - drawers, bins, baths, beds, nothing that hasn't been covered here already. Once did it to a mate's bed. In the morning, I asked for glass of orange juice, then immediately went 'whoops' and poured the whole thing over the pissed area.

A better story is when the missus and I went on the razz with her sister. She got fall-down, messy blocked, and we sent her home in a taxi. Her husband woke up to find her on sat on a big stereo speaker, knickers down in the usual toilet pose, with piss cascading onto the floor like a waterfall.
I got slaughtered one night....Awoke the morning after, to a note strapped to my chest reading

"To my darling Alan, had to go to work, but f.y.i. last night you got completely twatted and decided to piss all over the wardrobe, my new clothes and the computer wires...Please clean it up before I get home you dirty twat, love Louise x (still have the letter lol)

My mate did the best 1 though. Apparently his missus had been bashing him about doing the washing...Anyway after a night out he shouted to his bird Meg! How's this for your f'n washin, whipped it out and pissed all over the freshly washed clothes. This story is about 6 or 7 years old now and still makes me laugh!
Went to a gig last night and had a few beers.

Wake up this morning and the missus said I was trying to get out of the bedroom to the toilet last night through a full length mirror thats on the wall.

She pointed me in the right direction before any damage was done.
johnmc said:
Went to a gig last night and had a few beers.

Wake up this morning and the missus said I was trying to get out of the bedroom to the toilet last night through a full length mirror thats on the wall.

She pointed me in the right direction before any damage was done.
As near as this thread has come to a 'live report' . Good work John.
Was living on my own, after having split from a girlfriend and we decided to sell the flat. So she moved out and I had a couple of months until the sale went through. The pub was 100m away and, left to my own devices, spent a lot of time in there. Made the most of being single, and after the summer was done and the sale was imminent, I started to clear the place. Under the bed were my large padded suitcases - I pulled the first one out to pack and found a pool of liquid on top of it. It was piss, and not fresh either. Quite how I went about my business without ever noticing is a mystery, and I had women staying over as well. And they never mentioned a thing.
The shame of it.

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