Fellow FOC's thank you.

A very close friend of mine and @bluejon a drinking buddy and top bert sadly died on Tuesday, season card holder and been going since his dad took him 40 odd years ago. At least he got to see us win the lot, and last nights for you ya blue bugger.

Us FOCs will be getting older and dropping off, having seen the good, the bad and the ugly and enjoyig it all along the way
Wow I just want to say thank you to all our fellow FOC's to ones still here and to the ones sadly departed. ( miss you dad )

We stood shoulder to shoulder through the shit times and than the even shitter times.
We had bananas, self mocking songs we turned up in our 10's of thousands for each game, through the Manchester rain. We walked through the dog shit alleys of Maine Road passed the bloke with the 'end of the world is nigh' of the hope of a City win.

We never lost our manc dry humour, yes we demonstrated against Swales but we still turned up.

Even down here in the saff I would see fellow City and we would have a chat, it was a rare thing to see a City fan down saff. That is changing fast !

it was a challenge to keep our off spring as blues but most managed it. Teasing at school etc

It's been worth the journey and I wouldn't change it for the world. The worst we got the stronger my faith in my home town club grew.

City and Oasis kept me going

I just wanted to say thank you to fellow FOC's it's been one fucking journey, now our kids take us to the Etihad as our old and knackered bodies start to slow up.

Thank you FOC's and thank you to our off spring who followed our believe and support for Manchester City the best team and club in all the World.

My ramble is over have a great Christmas blues
The pleasure, the privilage was ours
Excellent post & lovely sentiments. I jumped on the City bandwagon when I got taken to see them in the F.A. Cup final, the one v. Newcastle, it's been a wonderful and sometimes horrible journey ever since. Across the years and from across the miles Marry Christmas and a Happy New Year.
Yeah but according to Robbie Savage there were only 3000 of us at Home to Mansfield in 1998 in the AW Cup. Never mind the 30,000 who turned up to most league games or the 40,000 + who went to Wembley that season.
Water of a ducks back to me these days.
To think they called us "bitter".
Cry those salty tears you miserable blinkered chunts. To all of us who endured, and to those who didn't make it to see our return to glory, I raise a glass
Had a couple of egg nogs have you?

Although I thoroughly agree!
Anyone who attempted a piss in the Kippax bogs without waders deserves this success.
Bogs? You were posh. We just used go up the back wall! Occasionally you had the odd piss can who'd forget where he was and take a piss while actually stood on the Kippax. Halcyon days? Well yes in many ways, something the younger generations will never understand. Though much of the football was shite, I still look back on those days with fond memories.
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