Joke thread

The 30 top Cardinals of the Catholic Church in Rome are having their yearly convention.

This time it’s being held at an ancient Monastery , high in the Mountains nearby Rome.

After about a week of studying, conferences and generally enjoying each others companionship, it’s time to head back home to Rome. They load into the bus and head off down the mountain.

Unfortunately the brakes fail on a sharp bend and the bus goes over the side, down 1000 feet into a ravine. So there they were, all 30 Cardinals standing before the Pearly Gates.

Through the gates walks Saint Peter. “So your the Cardinals then” he says. “ Alright, I know what you were like on earth, I want each Cardinal that was a fornicator on earth to take a step forward so we can send you to purgatory.”

29 Cardinals step forward.

“You as well you deaf bastard” says Saint Peter in a loud voice.
A skinny top banking executive convicted of fraud was locked up and met his cell mate for the first time. The guy was an easy 250 pounds, covered in tattoos and looked like he shaved with a blow torch. The guy said " Relax - I'm a white collar criminal too."
The banker squeaked "Oh really?"
The guy responded "Yeah I raped and murdered a vicar."
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A bloke walks into a tailor’s shop…

“Who are you?” Asks the tailor.

“Don’t you recognize me? It’s Bill!”

“Wow you lost so much weight!”

“Yeah that’s what I’m here for,” says Bill and hands the tailor a very large suit.

But the tailor doesn’t say anything. Just holds the huge suit.

“Hmm? Are you ok? ?”

“Yeah” the tailor still staring at the suit. “It’s just a lot to take in”

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