New highway code rules

I don't drive anymore but I do a hell of a lot of cycling and pedestrianing, and this sounds like trouble to me. Motorists stopping because they think someone might cross a road, and cyclists emboldened even more to own the entire lane results in one thing - even angrier motorists. I remember driving making me more angry than anything else in the entire world, and I know a car wins the argument every time so I try to cross roads and cycle in such a manner that even if I'm not seen I won't be hit. Treat all cars as if they're being driven by complete mongs (that should be the new short'n'sweet highway code book/sentence).
I’d add
2. Treat every cyclist as if they were a deranged psychopath
Walking to work today and there is a junction with two side roads left and right of the main A-road. 10 yds from there is a pelican crossing. Human can't be bothered to use the crossing, so approaches the corner of the LH side road and just strides out into the middle of the A-road. Nobody stops for him, so he just waits on the white centre lines until either a gap appeared or somebody stopped and motions him to cross. Buses, hgv's, trucks, cars etc all flying past so who has right of way in that scenario? I thought he was an arrogant twat, but that's not mentioned in the highway code.
How many people who drive have actually read the Highway code in full?

Think I read the chapter on pedestrians and never picked it up again
Odd thing about the new rules is you have more rights as a pedestrian now at generic road crossings than you do at a pedestrian crossing.

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