Overseas blues

Born and live in Johannesburg South Africa. Been following City for most of my life, as i grew up with my dad and uncle supporting City. They started supporting The Blues after an ex City player joined their local club, Germiston Callies in the late 60's (think the player was Mickey Lill, but i cant find any record of him playing for City.) I lived in London for 2 years, last year and made it to 10 games, the first been against Fulham where we won 3-1 with bloody Barton scoring the first and the home game against the scum when we won 1-0, the best day of my life!
rayprodigy said:
Born and live in Johannesburg South Africa. Been following City for most of my life, as i grew up with my dad and uncle supporting City. They started supporting The Blues after an ex City player joined their local club, Germiston Callies in the late 60's (think the player was Mickey Lill, but i cant find any record of him playing for City.) I lived in London for 2 years, last year and made it to 10 games, the first been against Fulham where we won 3-1 with bloody Barton scoring the first and the home game against the scum when we won 1-0, the best day of my life!
welcome to the forums
Born and raised in Dublin, chose City when Niall Quinn signed for us, enjoyed being different to the red hordes that still surround me to this day. Went to University in Manchester and still get over as much as possible but have to say, away games are far better craic.

Hopefully this will change if we start filling the ground and entertaining at home.
Born and raised in Singapore, never been to Manchester but been a Blue since the start. It's a lonley existence but hey, we're going big now.
The Doc said:
Born and raised in Singapore, never been to Manchester but been a Blue since the start. It's a lonley existence but hey, we're going big now.
yep it sure can be a lonely existence following City from abroad... but thanks to these sites it sure makes it easier to be part of the community...
Born and bred in the East Rand, South Africa. I have been a City supporter for as long as I am a football supporter. How did I, an Afrikaans South African become a City supporter? Weird story, actually! It is all the fault of a little football simulation game called Championship Manager 3. I played it back in the early 90's with a fiend. (No, not FRIEND, FIEND, although at first he may have been a FRIEND. He supports Utd!). He told me to run City, cause he thought he would get some personal pleasure beating City. I was a newcomer, with limited football knowledge, and I beat him twice that season! He stopped playing, and I kept on.

I kept on playing City through the later versions, and still is, on Football Manager 2008. SuperSport (local sports channel) televised some City games, and I started watching. I can with a clear conscience say I have supported City since 2003 (the Psycho era!), right around when Psycho took over management. To think I was a Joey Barton fan!!! However, I like to think I've been a City fan since the early 90's!

So I am the second South African from the Johannesburg area! And if I was not looking for info on the City tour to South Africa (my wife saw it on the News, told me!), I would never have found this forum!
blue roo said:
Born and bred in Chadderton,went to Cardinal Langley school in Middleton (half red,half blue).
First game in about 1965...Johnny Crossan was captain.Chose City cos my next door neighbour was a rag and he was a k@#bhead.

Have now lived in Oz for 20 years , most of it in Perth (where i currently live) but also had a couple of in Melbourne.

We have a brilliant supporters club here in Perth with over 100 members...so it helps.
CTID...of that i have no doubt.

How do I join the supporters club in Perth mate?

Been here in Aus for ten years now, born in Stockport. Ex season ticket holder Kippax AA....
Maverick said:
Born and bred in the East Rand, South Africa. I have been a City supporter for as long as I am a football supporter. How did I, an Afrikaans South African become a City supporter? Weird story, actually! It is all the fault of a little football simulation game called Championship Manager 3. I played it back in the early 90's with a fiend. (No, not FRIEND, FIEND, although at first he may have been a FRIEND. He supports Utd!). He told me to run City, cause he thought he would get some personal pleasure beating City. I was a newcomer, with limited football knowledge, and I beat him twice that season! He stopped playing, and I kept on.

I kept on playing City through the later versions, and still is, on Football Manager 2008. SuperSport (local sports channel) televised some City games, and I started watching. I can with a clear conscience say I have supported City since 2003 (the Psycho era!), right around when Psycho took over management. To think I was a Joey Barton fan!!! However, I like to think I've been a City fan since the early 90's!

So I am the second South African from the Johannesburg area! And if I was not looking for info on the City tour to South Africa (my wife saw it on the News, told me!), I would never have found this forum!

Welcome aboard mate! Enjoy the rollercoaster ride.
Born in Belfast, lived there for 20 years, then I moved to Manchester and found City when I was in a pub and they were on TV. I didnt watch much English football before that and my first mate here was a big red (actually from Manchester too) and he tried to get me into that lot, we watched whatever football was on TV with a couple of cans or down in the pub, City was on. Never looked back. We lost. I remember being in the pub when Ball gutted Ronaldo with the studs, a pub full of reds and me there with my mate in blue, couldn't beat it, that was the match when I bought the top and was truely a blue from then on, before then I'd watch them on tv and like to see them do well, and they rarely did do well.

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