The Super League | FA + PL: New Charter & Fines | UEFA: Settlement

Would you be happy if City joined this European Super League?

  • Yes

    Votes: 109 5.3%
  • No

    Votes: 1,954 94.7%

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I've no idea what sort of personality Soriano has but I do know I that he is a financial guy tasked with maximising the clubs income. His role has got fuck all to do with making supporters happier, as shown by ten price increases in eleven years.

I couldn't give a rats arse if he stays at the club or if he is fucked off and replaced by a clone CEO.
Fast forwarding a bit to Khaldoon’s end of season interview. Do we think he will speak about the ESL or is it now in the past for the club and we move forward?’s hard to see how he could ignore what will be the elephant in the room.
It's a good question, perhaps City were still in the process of learning what ramifications might be out there for us?

It does seem very open and shut on the whole apology roll out.

In saying that, Soriano is certainly an aloof character, I'd go as far saying a snob.

Surely that can be said of most CEO's - well ones I've come across in my lifetime anyway in the private sector
I can have a reasonable guess at this.

Everything is done for a reason. At the moment City and Chelsea aren’t getting as much bad PR as the founders plus Spurs. We are partially seen as helping the collapse of a hated regime.

Given that the others have all publicly apologised to the World, the perception is that they are the baddies.

However, even though we got great publicity from The Daily Mail article and UEFA, City still realised they had to say something to us. So instead of putting the apology out to the World and ruining the PR they went to the trouble of sending emails to everyone on their database.

Now a lot of the paying City fans have their apology and we are still not entirely grouped with the baddies.

The apology itself wasn’t emotional just businesslike as they know nobody will be talking about it in a couple of weeks.

As I’ve said before with hindsight we really messed up. What we did afterwards was an exercise in PR that was so good even I believed we were the heroes for a bit. We have also come out of this with credit in the bank with UEFA and our main club enemies are, for the moment, politically irrelevant and on the back foot.

PR control or not, email to fans rather than public declaration was totally the right call imo.

Not that i think an apology was needed at all. An explanation if the version of events at best maybe
Probably because the public apology was the least pressing thing for them when the league began to collapse.

From what I understand Ceferin and City spoke over the weekend prior to the Super League story leaking. We can only speculate as to what was said, but I suspect that if Perez is saying that City weren't committed, and City were talking to UEFA after Agnelli went dark, then we were clearly playing both sides.

So Monday I imagine their focus was politics at UEFA and turning the knife on the ringleaders of the ESL plan. The public statement was always going to be weak unless Khaldoon did a video.
"City are a real asset for the game and I am delighted to be working with them for a better future”.
Of course but nobody makes good decisions all the time if everyone tells them they can do no wrong and are brilliant.

Except me, I really am brilliant.

Or are you just saying he is well liked?

They like him because the doesn’t hide from mistakes he makes apparently.
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Wasn’t aware Laporta had let the cat out of the bag to our old friend Senor Teabag last week, prior to our involvement, he duly informed half of Europe & probably caused the downfall of the project

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