You can't be offside from.......

mad zab said:
I have seen goal kicks reach the oppo penalty area quite a few times.

No!!!! Not from a goal kick. It is impossible.

A goal kick is from the floor in the 6 yard box. Not from hands at the edge of the area.
C17Y AS said:

The number of people at the game yesterday in my block (102) that were slating the linesman for offside when a goal kick had been taken by Wolves was unbelievable. Im practically talking half of the block!

When i tried to tell a couple of the people around me that were shouting to the linesman, that you can't be offside from a goal kick, i got the same response from them being 'of course you can be offside from a goal kick!' and then looked at the people sat next to them bemused as though i was the idiot.

I hope fellow bluemooners who didn't know have learnt something.
Rant over!


The amount of people who know anything between nothing and little about football at our stadium is fucking astonishing! I don't know how many times I give it one of them faces - you know the bemused one where you pull your lip up like Elvis and scrunch your eyebrows -because I've heard some blue talk/shout some absolute bollocks like "shoot!" when there are six men stood right in front of the player; "foul!" when it clearly wasn't; "off-side!" from a goal kick...
I have said I was wrong BB.

But I have also seen many players given offside for this.

Just a pity that you can't have a discussion without arrogant pricks like you calling people clowns!
mad zab said:
I have said I was wrong BB.

But I have also seen many players given offside for this.

Just a pity that you can't have a discussion without arrogant pricks like you calling people clowns!

You embarrassed yourself with your breathtaking ignorance of football rules.

Now you try to justify it by saying you've seen off side given. I've watched soccer for 50 years and can't remember once.

Stop digging you are just making yourself look even more stupid now.
SWP's back said:
mad zab said:
I have seen goal kicks reach the oppo penalty area quite a few times.

No!!!! Not from a goal kick. It is impossible.

A goal kick is from the floor in the 6 yard box. Not from hands at the edge of the area.

I know what a goal kick is and it isn't impossible.

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