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    First picture of Tevez back at Carrington

    Carlos says he was treated like a dog........ '......even going up for the cup at Wembley,Mancini told me.. Lead on'
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    First picture of Tevez back at Carrington

    Carlos says he was treated like a dog........ 'collar off,warm up!!'....You too, Carlos'
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    Chicken farmers buy Blackburn

    Blackburn poach Fowler
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    mr mancini I am 100% behind you

    A great result last night...I was there & very much enjoyed it.OK it wasn't a 'blood & thunder' classic but a win this Saturday will make all the difference. A week ago after 3 losses I would gladly have settled for 4 points from WBA & MANUre,Well done Mancini & City.....Premier's a...
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    Mancini: "no contact with Rooney"

    'It is important that we sign Rooney....we can then loan him out to Cardiff to play along side Craig.'......'or maybe to Oldham....' Roberto
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    Ireland's dizzy spell

    I think Stevie's problems are those wings he had tattooed on his back...... .......bird flu????? Mancini has certainly ruffled his feathers!
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    Worst Managerial Decision Ever By a City Manager

    This is the best thread on here for weeks!!!!What memories we all have of all those dire decisions by our wonderful turn...... .....selling Neil Young a great goalscoring winger ......selling Francis Lee .....and hopefully not...selling Steven Ireland!!!!!!!!!!!
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    Moving Bellamy on may be a tough call Mancini has to make.

    Why is Mancini unpopular with the players? Does it matter? Is Ferguson/Wenger popular? ie, Does your boss have to be nice??????? Mine wasn't !
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    Gerrard? Preggers?

    LATEST NEWS.... Gerrard sleeping with his mother!!!!!!!!!
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    City's Footballing Brothers.

    Imre Veradi & his funnier brother........Ollie
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    This Throw In BS

    ...well City threw in the towel last night.
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    This Throw In BS

    Who gives him the towels when they play away?
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    sky sports breaking news

    ..the 9 points Portsmouth lose are to be given to the Premiership team with the most money....honest....just heard it on Pie in the Sky Breaking news
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    I found a wallet last night

    I once found a match ticket for City v Everton.....I kept it & went to the match,It was my first game & I've been a City fan ever since.....30 years!!!!BASTARD ...THE PERSON WHO DROPPED IT!!!!!!!!!
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    Celebrity spotting at COMS

    Saw Badly Drawn Match yesterday!
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    City players as Mr Men Characters!

    Mister Flight...benjani
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    Yeah Winston Kodogo....Police arrested him for wearing a loud shirt in a built up area...classic sketch!
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    radio 4 2.15 Afternoon Play

    Typical City losing at home to Southampton in a radio play.Is that flat still going in Beswick?
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    Medicals, Hughes and Robinho

    or as my ageing father calls him....Robin Ho

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