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  1. B

    What are you listening to.................RIGHT NOW!!!
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    Wasps coming into my house?

    Sure it's not Bobby's fault? I thought I read the other day him critisising their mentality, and saying only dive bombing twice doesn't make them the finished article. Could be wrong though?
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    William and Kate [Merged]

    Re: Bill and Kate. Not arsed, as long as they don't do it on a Saturday and interfere with the footie fixtures.
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    Most haunting soundtracks.

    American Beauty
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    The Xmas Day Celebrity Death Prediction game.

    Alex ferguson Ronnie Corbett
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    I am a Celebrity

    Loving Kayla already lol "My Mom told me to just put it in my mouth, don't bite and swallow" Top Girl!
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    X Factor - its back!

    Aiden deffo going in a minute after that
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    your funeral song

    Sylvester Sneekly - He Died With His Cock In His Hand *must get around to writing that one day*
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    Got a first date on Wednesday...

    Most women have a problem with self image, so to overcome this and put her at ease, look deeply into her eyes and say "It really doesn't matter that you're a bit over weight and not as good looking as previous girls I've been out with". She's a cold hearted woman if she doesn't melt at that...
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    Emma Watson

    I love girls with short hair, as long as they're not these butch things you see knocking about. Becky Mantin the weather girl, now she's a hot girl with short hair.
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    ear syringed

    There's a drainage tube called the Eustachian Tube which drains mucus from the Middle Ear down to the Throat to be swallowed naturally. Sometimes this gets a bit blocked or it doesn't drain away quickly enough. Try standing or sitting up straight, put your chin up toward the ceiling (which...
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    Worst place you've ever visited/driven through in the UK?

    Years ago I drove through Port Talbot, and it's just what I imagine Chernobyl to be like.
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    Thats it I've 'ad enough

    I certainly don't think we should be changing the Manager again. What gets on my nerves is the slow build up all the time, where we piss about in our own half until we end up under pressure. When we play with pace we can put the shits up any team, but most of the time we have to stop and look...
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    What happens when you die?

    I like to think that when you die the lights go out and that's that. I'm in no rush to die obviously, but I'm pretty sure that when the time comes I will have had enough by then, and so I've no interest in an after life and having to do it all over again. It would be quite nice to have the...
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    13 - UNLUCKY for some

    LOL! HomegrownButNotQuiteGoodEnough123?
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    Team Photo

    Shay looks like he's on the cusp of a Bruce Forsythe impression. lol
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    Caption Needed

    Following another De Jong shot off target: Ade to Micah - "Do you think the next wave will bring the ball back in?"
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    Official Rangers v City Thread

    The Ade and Robbie link up's gonna be special.
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    Training Today 4th August

    Cheers NMT. Any pics again like last time? :)

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