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  1. R

    City return 1/3 tickets

    This has got beyond a joke. Our club and so many more are guilty of extortionate away ticket prices and it has to stop. This is an opportunity for other fans to stand up against the league, not just opposition clubs but the league as a whole. Boycotting is the best approach but a virtually...
  2. R

    Social Media is power.....(away tickets, City and general)

    Great idea, I'm in. In addition I have recently started a petition to cap away ticket prices in the Premier League at £30. <a class="postlink" href=""...
  3. R

    on the lash

    AGREED! It always dies after the 2nd round of it. Let's keep it going!!<br /><br />-- Fri Apr 16, 2010 10:47 pm --<br /><br />Leaving Chorlton at 9, Spoons for 9.30, brekky and guinness. Then either Mary D's or more than likely just get to the ground and get the voice tuned up with some...
  4. R


    9.5hrs and I begin! COME ON!!!!! This is it!
  5. R

    Bluemoon SeasonCard Holders Only(Closed)

    Re: Bluemoon SeasonCard Holders Only 130
  6. R

    Tevez 'Pasion' Posters

    Here's where you can get them Stickers & Postcards (A5 size) <a class="postlink" href="" onclick=";return false;"></a>
  7. R

    Derby Security

    After this and then the response from the police where they thanked the fans for their good behaviour, I felt massively let down. I know for a fact that there were a number of fans on this forum that had to go to A&E after being hit by glass bottles...
  8. R

    Ref named for Saturday

    This is Steve Bennett doing something great Keep the faith
  9. R

    How many going to Stoke tonight?

    I going on the train, return from piccadilly. Our train looks to be taking between 30 & 40mins there are back cost £9 last week. There's a bus straight from stoke on trent station apparently. *Anyone know of any away pubs nearby, may fancy another jar before I get in the ground if there's time.
  10. R

    Scarves confiscated at the swamp

    He also mentions this in that article "I was frisked (no charge) to ensure I was not carrying projectiles. I then walked into a lounge where I was handed a commemorative coffee mug, which would have made a terrific dent in Craig Bellamy’s head had I been so inclined." I wonder if this was the mug:
  11. R

    Scarves confiscated at the swamp

    I completely agree, although I don't want a banner. I want nothing in our ground to remind me of them twats. But we should fight fire with fire. When they get to COMS they should not be able to even be heard. At OT they pump crowd noises in to the stands to try and drown us out, the away keepers...
  12. R

    Charlie Nicholas!

    I forgot Charlie Nicholas was that tight with Robbie. If Robbie wants out, then fine lets let him go! But I hate it when pundits/journos spout speculation as fact, it just fuels more speculation and creates pressure on clubs and players. Last year I heard Robbie was getting buses and loving...
  13. R

    and they said it didnt mean nowt

    Just recieved what is surprisingly the first piss take text, I've had it very good compared to a lot of you. The text was a fake police phone call reporting noisey neighbours, but not to bother as they gone out in the last minute. I responded with : Well done, maybe when we face you in the FA...
  14. R

    How do you celebrate when City score?

    It depends on the game. On Sunday I think I'll just fly off my seat with my hands in the air followed by a few fist pumps. On Wednesday and against Arsenal & Chelsea I went ballistic, jumping around grabbing the nearest person, turning to the guys behind me and saying 'GET THE FUCK IN THERE!"...
  15. R

    Debt Banner for COMS?

    This was being discussed a week or so back, and at that time I agreed. Now though I realise I don't want anything to do with that scummy lot in our ground. If we do anything we should get a statue or something to show our history Their banner only shows that they are obsessed with us. They...
  16. R

    Re: So the major news was/is {Terry merged}

    Re: So the major news was/is Ditto If he did I say "I"
  17. R

    Re: So the major news was/is {Terry merged}

    Re: So the major news was/is According to the original thread the story involved a blue and we should back him all the way. If it is this particular story, why should we back him? Also he said it would explain a lot to many blues. That explained pretty much nothing, other than maybe why it...
  18. R

    Great news...

    Wasn't this already known? I think that's generally the terms of a loan deal isn't it? The player comes back? I know the press have been saying "he's left City" "His farewell goal" "He's finished his topsy turvy career at city" - but they're a bunch of pricks that probably do think a loan deal...
  19. R

    Training Today 29th January

    I like it! Think that should be included in our team ethics now. That, and using bacon face ref bribing tactics.
  20. R

    We want nothing more than justice.

    Agreed. The way to do this is for the people on the coaches, and also the people in the crowd that got attacked with bottles to all get together and send complaints to GMP, MCC and even the FA, if we just come on here and complain it's going to go no where. The right people need to be informed.

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