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  1. T

    Points for the final

    Agree-BUT, money buys pretty much everything in this capitalist society, whether we like it or not seemingly?!! As in, why are the final teams only getting 25k tickets at all?? The corporates are hardly justified to have tickets through the "back door" and get more of an allocation than either...
  2. T

    City's 'Softest' Ever Player ?

    Definitely Steve Kinsey-by a mile!!
  3. T

    Match Ball and Peter Fletcher allegedly (for legal reasons)

    ***Has he got big ears (Before ya "cuffed him!!")? Likely a Lineker love child!!***<br /><br />-- Sat May 19, 2012 7:45 pm --<br /><br /> ***You're BOTH right there boys!!***
  4. T

    Match Ball and Peter Fletcher allegedly (for legal reasons)

    *** Agreed and well said pal! Just as simple as that -why are such people like this allowed to be in positions to make such massive PR cock ups?! Our club's reputation takes a huge knock and we have to try and defend the actions then somehow?? ***
  5. T

    Match Ball and Peter Fletcher allegedly (for legal reasons)

    Here here old bean!!!<br /><br />-- Sat May 19, 2012 7:33 pm --<br /><br /> ***Fair comment mate - we do want a balanced and honest view to help decide anything in fairness!***
  6. T

    Match Ball and Peter Fletcher allegedly (for legal reasons)

    ***There's always one or two PERFECT people though isn't there??? That have NEVER committed any heinous crime in their lives???????? Thank God there are a few of us who do - what a boring world it would be. Incidentally, whist we are on this subject - remember that lad that was interviewed on...
  7. T

    Match Ball and Peter Fletcher allegedly (for legal reasons)

    ***Feel fairly confident that the club's insurance policy would cover it too?! Could be wrong, suppose??? CTID! Look after our own..***
  8. T

    Match Ball and Peter Fletcher allegedly (for legal reasons)

    ***I've read many stories about this Fletcher bloke - no human nature, self opinionated, bullying, gestapo type of manner. Many fans have been on here and although not entirely law abiding citizens, their mis demeanours were extremely minor - although when they write to him to explain /...
  9. T

    For those Blues that are no longer here

    One for a good friend of mine - Lee Evans. His Dad, revered gent. from Brooklands and Baguley Supporters Club branch, indeed - on the founder members' committee-along with Roy Lewis. Billy Evans. God rest your soul!! Respect from Rita, Lee, myself and many more. Billy's efforts shouldn't go...
  10. T

    Parade to be on monday if.....

    ****That's the main reason that I wanted to post the details ASAP, for people like you and others. There MUST be a reason??****
  11. T

    Parade to be on monday if.....

    This thread is true, I think. My Mrs. has "a pub," in the City centre and the police come in regularly prior to games and big events to place restrictions etc on such as glasses from certain times and furniture being brought in etc. They went in on Friday to advise for the City game v...
  12. T

    Where is every one actually going after the match?

    They will from what I have heard, from a local licensee
  13. T

    For those Blues that are no longer here

    Dave Elliott (Timperley, Altrincham) - (1962-2000)- AKA "Maggie Thatcher," at Stoke City - December 26th 1988. Quality, battle hardened blue!
  14. T

    Newcastle Vs City Post match Discussion Thread

    Re: Newcastle fans - ***Ye' I do remember it being Middlesbrough actually-if it's the same occasion? They were absolute "scum" attacking anyone in their path-including Junior Blues, in the old North Stand-shortly after the start of the match (about 20minutes in!). They had already been into...
  15. T

    Balotelli (Merged)

    Re: Balotelli absolute tosser He has always totally let us down. No interest whatsoever in our shirt - it isn't just about tonight. I gave up on him after Kyev at home and away. Will guaranteed be gone in the Summer too. I too have never hated anyone as much as I do him, in a City shirt -...
  16. T


    He will play against United at left back and we will get leathered on the back of that - never a defender in a million years (and probably more pathetically one footed than Bridge, it's embarrassing!). Valencia will absolutely annihilate him, cause he is a good winger. Would bring back massive...
  17. T

    Can everybody click on an Advert today ??

    Sounds easy enough to me-for a "freebie!"
  18. T


    Fair shout that!!!!

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