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  1. K

    City fans start campaign for Roberto Mancini

    I don't think he came across that bad to be honest and like it stated he's not speaking for every fan. It's better than seeing the shit all the time from fans asking for his head of we dare not win a game. Good on him for highlighting things and bringing pspective to things and I'm on my way...
  2. K

    RVP Agrees MCFC Move

    So someone has to post unlimited posts to be right? As i say I'm not bothered in the slightest what people think and I thought a message board was to air views and opinions which I did and like you have so no hard feelings on my part really that you think I'm a liar ;o)
  3. K

    RVP Agrees MCFC Move

    I couldn't give a Donald duck what you think to be fair ;-)
  4. K

    RVP Agrees MCFC Move

    Fergie wasn't over there in France tonight at EuroDisney was he?
  5. K

    RVP Agrees MCFC Move

    He's signing for the rags
  6. K

    RVP Agrees MCFC Move

    I don't have to tell you anything! Would you like someone to name your road ? If people don't believe then that's fine I don't care. Anyway that's my last post because I don't need people like you telling me what I know and don't know and know wonder people are getting out off coming on here...
  7. K

    RVP Agrees MCFC Move

    Think what's going opposite to Crouchy ;o) And forgive me saying .. Do you know everything that goes on everywhere around there and do they ask your permission to view/buy houses?
  8. K

    RVP Agrees MCFC Move

    I could give you the EXACT address but why break a privacy thing for the sake of easing people's thoughts? Just get used to him wearing a blue shirt with the number 10 on next season in time to meet his Arsenal ex team mates in the pre season game
  9. K

    RVP Agrees MCFC Move

    And RVP would go out of his way to visit the house he's bought if he's just bought a house for the sake of it? I doubt it really do you?
  10. K

    RVP Agrees MCFC Move

    Dzeko to Arsenal in part ex? :o)
  11. K

    RVP Agrees MCFC Move

    Want a wager on it? As I said the other day before I got shot down that it's a done deal and now the media all of a sudden have picked up on it ;o) He's already bought a house in Alderly Edge
  12. K

    RVP Agrees MCFC Move

    Seems this could happen ? There's something over at mcfcforum that more than backs this story up
  13. K

    RVP - City linked by Ladyman and the Times (merged)

    Exactly as I said its a done deal,I can make stuff up to make it more interesting but the facts are its already done.
  14. K

    RVP - City linked by Ladyman and the Times (merged)

    It's a done deal! I know for a fact aswell
  15. K


    I use this and it won't let me get stuff over about 2gig...anyone know why please? Cheers
  16. K


    Yup tomorrow is #Kunday according to twitter and it's trending HaHaHa
  17. K

    Will people still wish carlos bon voyage

    Aguero will still sign regardless because we was after another forward. I've said all along I think tevez will stay and it shows City ain't to be messed with and won't back down and tevez might find himself on the bench next season now.
  18. K

    The REAL Manchester Trophy Parade

    in one of them pictures of the rags parade it shows a blue and white brolly :-)
  19. K

    Two Parades - a poem

    Take a bow son :)
  20. K

    Spuds want bellers

    he wont join spurs and can see us setting up a deal to keep him at cardiff and in his short time with us he deserves us to do that so he can not only end his career with them but stop him joining a rival. i love watching bellers and consider him a great player for city in his short career with us.

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