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  1. B

    Kompany This Season

    I mentioned that he has become a father because when you have a young baby your mentality changes. Its a long time since my kids were babies but remember at work it did change my thinking. Before anyone says they only play for 90 minutes he is a human being and will be affected. I can't believe...
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    Kompany This Season

    I think a lot of you have forgotten that Vinnnie became a father this summer, I for one think this is affecting him. Do not worry, he will be back to his best very shortly.
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    Fulham v City Post Match Discussion Thread

    Its not a loss, just 2 dropped points, dont panic Mr Mainwaring, there is a long way to go.
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    Still not recieved Napoli tickets!

    I went in Friday at 1.30, bought 2 tickets for friends, used my Platinum card, was told they did not have tickets in until later that day. Asked when to expect them and he said probable Monday or Tuesday. Called home today and tickets had arrived in post, think you may be better, if possible...
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    My article on Cook for Sabotage Times

    Have read the article through quickly, I agree with so much that you say. Would need to spend time to really analyse the article before I would comment on all aspects and sadly do not have the time now. It is sad that the Sun got their way but to me even sadder is the fact that cookm was stupid...
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    Replacements for Cook?

    Chief executive of Ryanair, forget his name but he is a blue
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    Shames us all

    Re: SHAME'S US ALL. I agree, some of the comments and language are from the gutter.
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    Garry Cook resigns (merged)

    Re: Garry Cook resigns Blue Haze, below is what you posted, your last 5 words intimate Cook was a failure, as I said not perfect but look how far we have come, not just due him but he was a big help. He was not a failure Hope we hire someone who knows something about football like Dein or...
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    Garry Cook resigns (merged)

    Re: Garry Cook resigns Blue Haze, where has Cook been a failure, not a total success, who is, but for certain not a failure.
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    Garry Cook resigns (merged)

    Re: Garry Cook resigns Sad to see him go, he did such a lot of good. I didnt believe he could be so stupid as to lie about the email. If he had held his hands up and said sorry this would have gone away, by trying to say he did not send the email he signed his resignation letter. A sad day, yes...
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    Oooooh Balotelli, He's a texter.......

    Anyone got his number, sure I would be a big help to him.
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    Is This the end for De Jong?

    Sadly people are too short termist, Nigel is so important to us, I ask anyone to name a better holding midfielder than him, people may say Busquiets at Barcelona but he is not the same. As for the agent, Nigel De Jong is highly intelligent, built a successful business before he joined, he is...
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    Was yesterday a better performance than the ballet on ice?

    Went to ballet on ice with my mum, only saw yesterday on TV. Can say that ballet on ice was out of this world, it was men against snowmen as Spurs were so static. Yesterday the movement looked awesome, different conditions, different eras but the same result, City were incredible.
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    For those on Cup Direct Scheme - A Request?

    There will be T&Cs, I agree we do not read them.
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    For those on Cup Direct Scheme - A Request?

    In a previous life I was a financial adviser and this may help, some of the comments on here beggar belief. Sadly financial education in this country is non existant and the vast majority of people do not have a good basic grounding of financial education. The club are not taking a direct debit...
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    Nasri Officially a City Player

    Re: Nasri's Arrival As a professional, Cook has impeccable taste. Nice to see the video it shows that we as a club are not afraid of showing our inner sanctum, bet you would never see that from those who are near by.
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    Danny Wilson

    Whats his email please. Sent an email to somebody at the club 3 weeks ago, still no reply, might not be his area but hope he can get some action
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    It time we finally had a proper song for david

    Agueros missus looks like Maradona, squat, wide shoulders, thick dark hair. She seemed more interested in looking out for her husband and does not look the part type.
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    It time we finally had a proper song for david

    Cant write a song but think he should be called Spanish Dave and build a song round that. He is a lass act and what I like about him is he has taken the trouble to understand English and never causes any trouble. On a different note, if the Spanish girl sat behind us yesterday is his girlfriend...
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    What's the craic with Tevez then?

    He has always done the right thing on the pitch, what he says off it is part of who he is, a mercenary. Sadly that is the way of football now. As nobody seems to want to buy hin let us keep him. He will do the business on the pitch and as has been said previously, having class like he is can...

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