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  1. B

    Milner/Balotelli Deals by Thursday - Still possible?

    For what it's worth, there are some ITK's at Villa forums that's usually spot on. And what they are saying is that negotiations are done and Ireland is having a medical just about now. So, you might not believe it. But I believe you will see something this afternoon.
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    Milner [Merged]

    Why would he. Barry had one season left. Milner isn't even half way in his current contract. The fact is that Milner will cost a shed load of money now, and a shed load of money next season. Maybe a bit less then, or maybe more. Fortunatly though, maybe Liverpool gets taken over, and they might...
  3. B

    Milner [Merged]

    Doubt its any calculated tactic. I would imagine Mancini would like to get Milner asap due to pre-season plans. It's all about money IMO.
  4. B

    Milner [Merged]

    I honestly aren't that clued up when it comes to how the club is organised atm. Randy has brought expertise back and forth for quite som time, but I believe it's Faulkner and some Russel guy who are execs. now. As for Lerner, he didn't just fall on his fortune though. He is highly educated and...
  5. B

    Milner [Merged]

    I love how you are so dreamy. We don't have to sell Milner, and we won't unless it's a good offer. And our £ 30 Mill valuation according to the tabloids is obviously isn't exactly what we expect is it. You don't enter negotiations with the price you have in mind, you enter with a much higher...
  6. B

    Milner update.

    You did know there were bids before yours right? The bloody thing started before the season ended. The barry transfer was a bloody nightmare. The Milner one is just mildly amusing.
  7. B

    Milner update.

    Yeah because the Barry saga did much harm last season. L.O.L.
  8. B

    Milner update.

    No idea why you think Milner will be unsettled. He experienced the very same at Newcastle, and he got his act together and produced his best ever season after that. And Ireland are Villa bound. Watch this space.
  9. B

    Milner [Merged]

    What a load of rubbish. Milner is nothing of the sort. Milner hardly has any pace, and where he excells is as a CM. Have you actually watched him play, ever? And little techniqual ability? He has plenty.
  10. B

    Milner [Merged]

    Doubt we are interested in his wages.
  11. B

    Milner [Merged]

    It does. But then a remember all sides got players diving, so why shouldn't we have one. Average? Jesus christ, he's one of the best wingers in the league IMO. But I guess some people won't accept players are more then good enough for clubs like United before them actually by them.
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    Milner [Merged]

    Don't embarrass yourself. He's not shite. And it was spurs that was and is interested if you actually read the post. Cheers
  13. B

    Milner [Merged]

    That will NEVER happen lol. Firstly, how often have you heard of a swap deal between clubs? It's a popular thing to speculate about, but it hardly never happens. Secondly Villa usually don't do swap deals at all, because it offers problems with taxes etc. Randy has commented on this before...
  14. B

    Milner [Merged]

    Seen at Villa sites that £ 24 Mill bid has been rejected. Have you heard anything?
  15. B

    Milner [Merged]

    I love how pretty much 90% of the replies on this forum is some kinda insults. Is it the gloryhunting 13 y.o. rat infection, or have this forum always had this amount of idiots?
  16. B

    Milner [Merged]

    To be fair, not that I think Milner will be a fantastic signing for you, but he will do better then Balotelli methinks. Can't believe you are going for Balo. Your dressingroom is bound to explode at some point
  17. B

    Milner update.

    That I fully understand. Was just a bit bemused about what MON could do with £ 25 Million.
  18. B

    Milner update.

    Not sure I get the logic. Why didn't you sign Milner from Newcastle then? There are LOADS of talented midfielders around, you just need a manager to pick them out and give them a proper chance.
  19. B

    Milner [Merged]

    Haven't said it's a fact Milner will stagnate. I said it's reasonable to think he will. I'd love to know why the fella above thinks MON is an idiot as well though. I know many flaws to MON, but he's one of the few managers you can hardly call an idiot IMO. Good article by Parker
  20. B

    Milner [Merged]

    Yeah it's starting getting late now, but tbf, the entire market has been slow so far. Not really kicked off yet. But you're right, some changes must happen soon IMO. Delph is class though. His injury was a bloody shame. He is the most natural talented player in midfield I've seen for many many...

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