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  1. B

    It's only half time.

    They were a bloody good side to be fair, it's all doom and gloom on here again like always after a loss. We are by no means out of this. I really don't think we did that badly tonight and am confident about next week. c'mon city! The boys in blue will never give in!!!!!!!
  2. B

    Everton Away

    Been in one accross the road from the main entrance to the ground a few times, i think it's called the Goodison. Obviously a home pub but never had any problems and there were a few blues in there. I'll probably go in there again tbh.
  3. B


    You'll never meet such a disloyal, petulant buch of twats anywhere in the world! every single one of 'em needs drowning! They were all gutted when we didn't ruin that minutes silence last year and how quick can a shit hole of that size empty?. I'll be attending again and hope we can turn the...
  4. B

    £29 for this ?

    Re: £29 for this ? It's crap, wherever you sit you can't see. I've been there about 6 or 7 times and sat upstairs once, not much better tbh. Don't have a 'scouse pie' no idea what's in it but it's not good! lsat season me and my brother took my father in law there and he's a really short man...
  5. B

    Bluemoon SeasonCard Holders Only(Closed)

    Re: Bluemoon SeasonCard Holders Only 217
  6. B

    Everton Tickets (call before 9am!)

    It's a shite ground and they don't sing and wherever you're sat there's a post in the way! i'm still goging tho!
  7. B

    Turn the music and the mic off at the start and end of the..

    I agree totally with this idea and also on a slightly different point, when we score, I have noticed that our celebrations seem to be cut short by people immediately turning to watch the footage of the goal on the big screens. Not normally a moaner but I think it would be better to wait a few...
  8. B

    its decided

    My little lad's 1st game was against Derby last season he was 3, fuckin nightmare (could hav been cos it was a night match tho), he's been a few times since and now loves it. i'd definately say 5 months is too young. Also, a bit risky incase it gets a bit lively!
  9. B

    Loyalty points

    I think it only tells you what tickets you've paid for online, i signed up to check mine and it says i have none. i think ive got about 4000.
  10. B

    I Think We'll Go Through

    It's going to be tough but the business end of any competition always is. I reckon they'll be fearing us more then we fear them! A no shit, professional performance in the 1st leg and we'll abuse them at our place. lets 'av it!!!
  11. B


    Good that were away 1st. it's gonna be a real test but thats what were gonna have to get used to if were gonna take over the world! ha ha ha, bring it on! on a positive tho, Bremen against udinese means that one of them will go and i reckon there probably 2 of the toughest.
  12. B

    Champions League Draw

    I'm sat in the office with 8 'big reds'. They are all sat in front of computers and not one of the twats watched the draw, i've just announced who they got and then got the typical 'oh, i thought the draw was this afternoon' type comments. (I walked in this morning to 'your lot were lucky last...
  13. B

    Top Facts About Glauber Berti

    The path of the righteous man is beset on all sides by the inequities of the selfish and the tyranny of evil men. Blessed is he, who in the name of charity and good will, shepherds the weak through the valley of darkness, for he is truly his brother's keeper and the finder of lost children. And...
  14. B


    Confirmation for me too! they're a good bunch them at low cost, never doubted them!!!!!
  15. B


    SuperKevinHorlock; i spoke to them yesterday and they said an email confirming all details will be out later that day. it's now lunch time the next day and still nothing. starting to think i've been had over myself mate!!!
  16. B


    lowcostsport have just rang me to tell me that i'll be getting all the details later today so that's a load off my mind. they also asked me if i wanted any tickets for the match!!!
  17. B


    when they moved me onto the overnighter they didn't want owt extra for it so that was alright. not had any info yet tho or confirmation of the revised booking (starting to fret a little tbh). does anyone know what happens when we get there? apart from get wasted! do they leave us in cologne or...
  18. B


    I'm also on this trip now, i was on the 1 dayer but they cancelled it so i'm stoppin over night now. ; )

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