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  1. J

    Jimmy Grimble

    Love this film, its my top sport themed film of all time, followed by when saturday comes and escape to victory.
  2. J

    Only 5 teams can still get 90 points - make that 4, 3, er 2

    Re: Only 5 teams can still get 90 points - make that 4, er 3 I have predicted the out come since two games ago, I came up with city and utd on the same points city to win on goal diff........... The points I dropped for city were 0 at toffees, 1 from chelsea, 1 point from arse and 1 point from...
  3. J

    For everyone that left before FT y/day...

    I feel like have just stepped in dog shit, listening to you lot rant and call your fellow fans unloyal, part timers et al. All the people I go with (5) have been city fans since birth, all have done away matches, all season card holders for at least 10years, two have had theres for 20 years...
  4. J

    For everyone that left before FT y/day...

    I hope you guys never have to leave early for any reason, if you do please let us know so we can dish it back. Plus if u cant afford to renew let us know, so we can deride you for being a lesser fan........ Stupid chest beating monkeys. Great game, I am glad I stayed to the end, maybe next...
  5. J

    For everyone that left before FT y/day...

    My mates 73 year old father left with 8 mins to go due to the fact hes had a heart op about 2 yers ago and finds the crowds too much, plus a walk to where we park takes us 10 mins takes him 20. I sometimes leave early, nearly did yesterday, but did not, coz i hav work to go, yesterday i was...
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    Milner should start, hes been playing really this season, won us the game against villareal and nasri looks way off at the moment. hart clichy lescott vinnie richards barry de jong milner silva kun dzeko
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    According to SSN... Tevez wants to go!

    I am so glad I do not have access to SSN. My advice is turn it off, fuk murdoch and his wank media vehical.
  8. J

    F.A. cup tattoo

    Like Jed alan partridges number one fan.........
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    City are a joke

    bitter red.
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    35 years of memories

    Thats great, brought a tear or two to my eyes, cheers mate. Im not wishing to add to it but some moment for me that stick out that are nt there; beaker. the eternal hope that lake would over come injury. dibble and the give away goal. alan ball and his gem finding. going away to...
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    season ticket waiting list

    I was told when i called up and spoke to the book office staff "there is no waiting list its first come first served". I m not sure what that means, do they expect everyone to renew or what?!!?!
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    Manchester thanks Sheikh Mansour.........

    Thank you for everything shiek! I still think he has got value for money compared to buying the likes of manure, chelski, liverpool and spuds. All of the above need new grounds to. We should not forget the role that wardle and makin played in keeping us going for yrs and then selling us to...
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    Police stopping us getting off the Gatwick flight

    SImple never fly British "socailist" Airways ever again. That trumped up stewardess is probably a trade union shop steward "who knows her antitlesment"!!!!!!!!! It makes me livid they think they are brain surgeons the way that lot carry on. To rub salt in the wound, shes probably on 50k pa...
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    Describe our season in one word

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    Homecoming ticket exchange

    Hello, I need one ticket for a friend he wants to take his lad. Cheers
  16. J

    Official "Changes To Seasoncards" Thread

    Christ we just won the FA cup!!!!!! Stop moaning. Come on you blues, its an extra £50, have a few nights in instead of going out, or eat home made hot pot for a couple of weeks, do anything, save a few pennies!!!!! I think after everything the owner has done for the club and us the fans its a...
  17. J

    Paul Dickov on sky

    Complete legend, I remember in 2000, maybe 2001 he had left for Liecester and we had an open stadium day in the summer, Dickov (and his family) was the only player I saw there, but he'd left the club!?!?!?! Bleeds blue, FACT.
  18. J

    Likely Opponents In This Play Off?

    SALZBERG!!!!! Anyone who went there must be up for that place again, beer heaven!!!!

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