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  1. T

    We can still qualify and it is very possible

    If we draw with Roma & Cska draw...then all 3 three teams have 6 points ....when tied goal diff doesn't come into play It goes head to head This will be cancelled out ,it goes into a mini Lge just between the games between the teams involved ...Roma will go through scored 5 against Cska...
  2. T

    My belief

    With ref to his bet it's based on gut feelings ...the season isn't over ..however based on tonight's showing the feeling is very very subdued....on the way into the stadium I took my usual root & thought is this next six games gonna be special ...I turned around & looked backwards & the pic of...
  3. T

    Why we will win the Premier League

    Although Utd have (on paper only) easier run in - I had a few mixed emotions after our off Day at Swansea . First & for most I feared the typical city fan moment -utd are going to shatter our Dreams yet again :-( However I then from somewhere was boosted with massive signs of encouragement we...
  4. T

    Three Takes On Carlos' Contrition

    Don't give Merson any time of day the guy is a cock - dismissed Pizzaro a few weeks back basically saying he's past it based on his age 32 - hope the idiot is choking on his words especially when Utd still depend on old comrades Giggs n Scholes Merson is useless & loves arsenal & no one else
  5. T

    Look on the bright side.....

    Not nice surrendering a points advantage but not the first time we've done it & always regained an advantage - I would take a city v utd title decider on apr 28th -Ballotelli & Ya Ya netting the decisive goals ! It's coming down to that game
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    Look on the bright side.....

    Shite record against Everton -bogey team out of the way -still top of league would prefer to lose now than in April we would have snatched anybody's hand off for our current position @ beginning of the season
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    Tommorow: A signing "No one will see coming"

    Might be nothing or could be something -working down Torkington rd wilmslow (off fletsand rd where Fergie lives ( cleaning lady with city top silva 21 top on - interesting thing 4 Man City officials there - might be nothing but could be getting a Large Posh Pad ready for somebody ? Time will...
  8. T

    Napoli Vs City Post Match Discussion Thread

    Mancini haters out in force ????? Why - if ballo had netted that volley it would have been a total diff atmosphere on here (& would have been goal of the season ) wasn't our night maybe it's not our time to qualify - but it ain't over till it's over -cmon villareal
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    The ONE thing you love most about Bobby Manc

    Intense Focus to every finer Detail -knows how win trophies !
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    Departure time on Sunday

    Leaving at 6am from City Stadium coach-from car park 2 WHICH ONE IS IT ?-also does anyone know if can park there-usually park in cornershop pub on match day !
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    Sanchez [Continued]

    As typed is as heard -the guy who said it is a big red ! Also said it's about time u got rid of a few
  12. T

    Sanchez [Continued]

    cookie cancelled a meeting on tues - apparently to fly out to meet with representatives for Urgent Meeting for £40m Chilean ? can not give any more info cos don't have any - been looking for a twist in media ref Sanchez - but not a tap!
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    Wembley Thread (merged)

    Re: Sell out today CHEERS !
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    Wembley Thread (merged)

    Re: Sell out today Wits it like for parking at the stadium for semi final tickets-were can I park I'm eligible tommorrow
  15. T

    City to axe Mancini

    All this negativity ,really cheeses me off- -Lets just see how the team respond -considering we had 10 men at home to Arsenal we had 7 great chances to score-also poor performance agaist wolves -yet we also had 7 great chances to score. If we get positive results on thurs / sun then beat Utd...
  16. T

    Mancini - Out of his depth

    This is something i've read numerous times over the last few days on here. It's only fair to add a little balance here and there, and it's only fair to point out that that statement is quite ridiculous... Time for a little history... He won the Coppa Italia with Fiorentina who were on the...
  17. T

    A disgrace?

    Mancini disrespects smaller teams to much and respects the big teams too much! Fuck looking at the bigger picture celebrating a trophy win would be nice and with Chelsea Liverpool spurs everton and the likes already out we would have a great chance. Makes me sick to think we've literally bottled...
  18. T

    A disgrace?

    FFS -although frowned upon the team tonight -against a decent premiership side (at home) - i have to look at the bigger picture -Mancini keeps reiterating all these games -so they have obviously weighed up the situation & think the europa lge is more of a priority - Come the end of the season do...
  19. T


    These players probably need 10 games to know each others strengths -we look powerfull & very strong at the back - yet last season we leaked lots of goals & looked very vunerable. Cant wait to see Ballotelli in Prem n boatang n a few kolarov -rockets -life aint that bad -Sometimes u dont get...

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