Search results

  1. M

    Lodge "intent to purchase" away match tickets

    There is no system that will please everyone. A ballot isn't a fair way to do seen with the scum the same lot still go every week. You say the loyalty system does work? Give me the perfect solution then? You say those with higher points sell them on... but the majority of those on the...
  2. M

    Wolves Away

    I do not hav any tickets. The original buyer collected them!
  3. M

    Chelsea 21st March

    Yes its an adult ticket. Are you ok to meet outside before the game?
  4. M

    Serious Question (PLEASE)

    Seems a bit weird to be honest. Usually people in abusive relationships are much more subtle then that. Theres not much you can do either way as its down to her to make a choice to leave him. You cant really confront him without any proof and as you say, she may have just been drunk and/or...
  5. M

    Holiday Destination...

    Gran Canaria? Gorgeous beaches, good nightlife, always hot? We stayed in the Marina Suites hotel which was gorgeous and relatively well priced.
  6. M

    Chelsea 21st March

    No its still available.
  7. M

    Holidays in Britain?

    Why anyone would pay money to holiday in England is beyond me! Especially with rising fuel prices, rising food costs and the awful weather. I understand that some families may not be able to afford it but personally I would much rather save a little bit longer and go abroad and have guarenteed...
  8. M

    'Fighting Cancer'

    My Dad has cancer and he is trying to fight it - hes refusing to give up and trying to lead as normal life as possible. My step-brothers mother has cancer and she has given up! she is still smoking, not eating and just isnt helping herself or anyone around her! I suppose people cope in their...
  9. M

    100 philes castrated in UK

    Whatton is in Nottingham - Not norfolk. The only way i can see people agreeing to this if its their only way out of prison. Im quite interested in finding out more about this as theres alot more to sex offenders than just decreasing their libido. (I work with offenders) Its my understanding...
  10. M

    People Still Left at 85 Mins last night.

    TBH anyone that left at half time needs their heads checking! We seem to have aquired far too many glory hunters and to be honest I would rather them leave and miss out! We dont need negative fans! And the fan behind be slating Joe Hart and calling him shit for taking too long with his...
  11. M

    Jacket Spuds

    I microwave them for 5 minutes either side...then wrap them in tin foil and put them in for about 20 minutes on 180. If you want them crispier, dont put foil round them! I think you have just decided on my tea :)
  12. M

    Sorry if this disappoints some people ... but

    Its down to the 11 players on the pitch! If they have the attitude that a number of people have on here...then the race is already over and we might aswel not even go out and play the next 10 games!! If our players cannot / will not go out and put 110% in during the next 10 games - then quite...
  13. M

    Sorry if this disappoints some people ... but

    At last...its only taken 22 hours for someone to show some positivity!!
  14. M

    Chelsea 21st March

    One spare - South Stand Level 2. Can meet outside entrance N before kick off. £35
  15. M

    Chelsea game moved to 21st march

    Re: The Chelsea game? 15 March 2012 20:05 H Sporting Lisbon Europa League 21 March 2012 19:45 H Chelsea Barclays Premier League Your not moaning that we have 5 days rest after Lisbon though are you... Cant have it both ways! Wednesday is the most logical day to play!
  16. M

    Home or Work or Other ?

    I had to drive to Worksop to trek to Liverpool tomorrow!! Cant wait for the weekend :)
  17. M

    Chelsea game moved to 21st march

    Re: The Chelsea game? Chelseas website is just showing postponed! Id be going mad if I was them and having to wait to arrange travel etc!
  18. M

    Arsenal away £51!

    I dont actually think this is a bad day with it being bank holiday on the monday!
  19. M

    Home or Work or Other ?

    Im in my office at home! Worked late last night but struggling to concentrate today!

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