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  1. M

    I hope youre all happy

    Guys - it is his own shop and if he does not serve someone that is down to him, it is also his rules on weather he needs to speak perfect English - his profits. This! How many times do brits go abroad and expect the shop owners there to speak English too. The man's language skill have nothing...
  2. M

    Platt Petition

    I find some of this stuff unreal. Why don't we judge him with the rest of them at the end of the season? So he's a rag, so he's slagged us off... who cares? I asume everyone on here likes their employer?! Why has all this money made a lot of city fan's cocks... it's what we expect from the...
  3. M

    Gary Worthington has joined city from chelsea

    I'm not saying it is a bad thing, but not sure of any players that have made it in five years at Chelsea?
  4. M

    Bluemoon SeasonCard Holders Only(Closed)

    Re: Bluemoon SeasonCard Holders Only 110
  5. M

    "Wigan Blues" Flag Taken from Sunderland

    Re: Thieving Blues I had a flag that I'd had since '89 and it was stolen by a blue in Hamburg last year... scum bags.
  6. M

    Should teams be allowed to sell points?

    I hear ya, and I know it was a joke, but does make us look like arrogant fookers now we have money to even think it! Lets just settle for the old fashioned way and try and win games ;-)
  7. M


    Ireland on his day can be a great player, on his day he could probably get in to any team in the prem, problem for me is how many days does he have? And i'm not saying he should be playing well everytime but one in two, three or four? He doesn't seem he is like that. It seems to me he was / is a...
  8. M

    Do you need commentators?

    Personally I think we need them, although obviously some are better than others. I also like the ex pro, although again some like David Pleat just annoy me! Try wayching with the sound off, its no good! Plus I am sad, I love the stats!
  9. M

    Petition to remove Richard Scudamore (PL Chief Executive)

    To be honest I am not against the idea of a play off, how would you vote if we didn't have this money? Bit arrogant to now say it is wrong, it is good for everyone except the current top four. Besides with the money / squad we have, we should aim for 1st not fourth. Finally, as said mentioned I...
  10. M

    Blue Tuesday: Lakey's Question. Half-time team talks...

    Any hitman! Failing that how about someone like Ranulph Fiennes the explorer? All that kind of nothing is impossible type thing? He cut off his own fingers when he got frost bite... might make the players think twice about a little niggle!
  11. M

    my 2 cents

    IMO I think Mancini has been told we spent £150 million in one window and have a good enough squad to finish fourth. If you do that you get a 3 year deal and all the cash you need to push for title in the summer. What is the point of spending loads of cash then changing the manager again in the...
  12. M

    Robinho: Coming Back To City In The Summer (or not) {merged}

    Re: Robinho: I'm Coming Back To City In The Summer(?) He didn't make it at real Madrid ( under at least two managers btw ) where he had good weather, money and some of the best players around him, including a few Brazilians Chose City even though he had no clue who we were Had a chance under...
  13. M

    Sh*t tactics

    I am as gutted as the next man, but I really don't think we got it wrong. We were beaten over two legs by an injury time goal... that was it. If we would have scored it, the media / forums would have been saying how Mancini got it right and how he is a tactical genius! We had chances to...
  14. M

    Mr Cook

    The man is an idiot. That is all
  15. M

    Guti wants out! Maybe Mario does?

    He is an attacking 33 year old midfielder with a serious attitude problem! This would be a terrible move for another over paid lightweight player with an attitude... IMO
  16. M

    stop the chant

    Time and place. I don't mind singing it at clubs like Chelsea, Rags, Spuds or anyone giving us loads. Don't really see the point in singing it to Bolton, Blackburn etc as to be fair we could buy them before ADUG!!
  17. M

    Just seen the weather forecast

    I will help shovel snow, clear ice.... anything. After two weeks over christmas, then this week cos of the snow... I need to get the fuck out of the house and the family!!!
  18. M

    Vieira Signed for City

    How about he plays his first game and has a good one, everyone says he is world class, or has a bad one and everyone says he is past it!! Can't win either way!! Personally, I think his leadership and mentality will be invalueable. He has won everything, plus he knows the league and the manager.
  19. M

    Heaven has gained another Blue today

    RIP - Sorry for your loss.
  20. M

    Kaka Dropped

    He is injured, did it early December... not expected back until mid to late Jan.

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