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  1. Y

    Brazilian and Argentinian Players

    Because due to rubbish prize money & attendances the clubs don't have the money to shell out for players, therefore what they do is have a private company own the player and lend them to the club, hoping to make a profit if the player is good enough to be sold on to a european club. Speculate to...
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    Milner [Merged]

    P'raps.......... maybe I should throw my toys out of the pram at this point.
  3. Y

    Milner [Merged]

    Actually I didnt, but it doesnt change the facts. I could have searched for a youtube link but couldnt be arsed. Still waiting for Ajay to tell us that a midfielder who he can't name may sign soon.
  4. Y

    Milner [Merged]

    Milner discussing personal terms with City but no fee agreed yet. Not gonna tell you how I know (it's off a poster who is friends with Milner), but it's a fact. This is the only time I will post 'owt that even resembles ITK.
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    Milner [Merged]

    OK, my view on the Milner / ireland debate is the following. Milner has had one good season, as has Ireland. The difference comes in their overall contribution to the team in the three areas of the pitch. Defensively Milner is far more sound, both when tracking back and when his midfield is...
  6. Y

    Quick questions

    I actually quite like Zin, at least he treats it with a pinch of salt, a touch of humility and a sense of humour. Unfortunately not all those claiming to be ITK (or their acolytes) can say the same. He knows what he is posting, he knows whether or not what he is posting provides sufficient...
  7. Y

    Quick questions

    If only there was someone ITK about. F***. :-D
  8. Y

    Quick questions

    :-D I tire of metaphors around this time in the evening.
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    Quick questions

    Not necessarily. Ajay could mean anything, but that wouldn't affect him posting. Also, player could be working perfectly well, but at another club cos we don't want anyone to know. Ajay, even though he had signed, would never give an accurate post. An ITK on the other hand, is correct twice...
  10. Y

    Quick questions

    If he's a WUM then he does deserve the abuse that he receives - within certain limits, naturally - quite simply due to the fact that he is trying to say that he is not a WUM, but someone who is genuinely ITK. Intentionally lying or making stuff up is worthy of abuse. He was given the...
  11. Y

    Quick questions

    As, so very often, is yours.
  12. Y

    Quick questions

    Thank god it wasnt someone with a vested interest who said that. I mean, imagine if it would have been a poster who claims that they are ITK who makes ludicrous claims but rarely got anything apart from the obvious right, they would have got slaughtered.
  13. Y

    Quick questions

    C'mon bluebean, you can't accuse someone of that and not expect them to get pissed off. If people think certain posters are complete pricks, it may actually be because they are complete pricks, not because of where they come from (plus it would be a little odd for a City fan - apart from Colin...
  14. Y

    Quick questions

    Not going to pretend that I am in any way surprised that Ajay has flounced off, cos I'm not. The situation was that he was given a clear and attainable option in order to prove or disprove his ITK status. He realised he'd been put in somewhat of a checkmate position, and so took umbrage at...
  15. Y

    Quick questions

    Very enlightening (unfortunately not necessarily in the way that I had hoped). I'd love for there to be genuine ITK's on this board, I'd even love for you to be one of them (believe it or not), but if you care enough about your iTK status to post things on the forum, it quite simply does not...
  16. Y

    Quick questions

    Roberto Mancini has clearly stated that he wants another forward on numerous occasions. Really mate, this sort of bollocks doesnt help your cause for the naysayers. It's the equivalent to saying that any player who joins us will have a cock and balls. You're the ITK equivalent to the...
  17. Y

    Quick questions

    This, as far as I can remember, is true.
  18. Y

    Quick questions

    Yes, it absolutely does apply to the Kaka saga. We were in agreement with the club but only a complete moron would have claimed that he had actually signed because he hadn't (as we did not have signed contracts with the player, the club or a work permit). I can't do searches, but did anyone...
  19. Y

    Quick questions

    Four things that are clear : - Silva & Touré did not sign until After their WC's due to medicals. - The negotiations with Barcelona, did not conclude until Rossell was in place. - Boateng was not one of the Ajay mentioned signings. - Kolarov did not have his work permit until 2 weeks ago...
  20. Y

    Quick questions

    So if I posted a photo with Garry Cook, then i could say that he told me that he was really an alien from the planet zorg with a liking for womens shoes, and I could expect everyone to believe me. And I still believe Cook, Lazio, HSV, Valencia & Barcelona more than some bloke on MancCity...

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