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  1. E

    Mikel Arteta

    Posters name was EGGP or something like it. IMO Arteta is a class, class player, however he lacks pace to be truly world class. Hence he is not in the Spain squad. Also the poster said that Moyes had told him to sign his new contract or go.
  2. E

    Mikel Arteta

    The Lescott saga was all a media game to appease the Everton fans. I followed it on here and on EFC sites. If I remember rightly Moyes was refusing to sell yet Lescotts medical records had been submitted by EFC.
  3. E

    Mikel Arteta

    So did I, but then money talks. Our max is £60K per week and you guys are paying Lescott twice that.<br /><br />-- Tue Jun 15, 2010 1:58 pm --<br /><br />This is what has been written on NSNO: "I don't usually post on here as i'm not into mindless rumours but i have heard from TWO very reliable...
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    Mikel Arteta

    Ahhh there is always a bitter one on every forum. To be honest its a new thread on NSNO and I am looking for something new.
  5. E

    Mikel Arteta

    Has anyone heard anything about Mikel Arteta joining City? There is a rumour on NSNO.
  6. E

    Lescott [Merged]

    FFS can we have an end to this panto. Rumours I have heard is that the snag is over loyalty payments. Lescotts transfer request was rejected by EFC. Can they turn around and say, "Ok we except it now so your do not get your contract paid" when the 3 rd bid was placed? 4 yrs at £40K a week.
  7. E

    Lescott [Merged]

    Thats a piss take. That and Dunney back at least.
  8. E

    Lescott [Merged]

    Yeah an the dirty kopites had a field day about it, "Hence the Citys all ours" chant and the Sock Robbers joke.
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    Lescott [Merged]

    Yeah, although the day he came I think we drew 0 - 0 with Wigan or someone. I don't think he could leave quick enough.
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    Lescott [Merged]

    The Kings Dock move, The NTL debacle, the proposed take over a few years back, moving the club from the City to Knowsley. More recently not directly form Kenwright but Robert Ellistone in June about how we are going to improve the team with transfers, none of which have materialised (except Jo)...
  11. E

    Lescott [Merged]

    I don't think there is a better player than Lescott in that position that we could afford with the money we would get. However we could improve the team. We need a RB, 2 CB's, RM and cover for LB, LM and Defensive Midfield. The Anti Kenwright brigade is growing not because of his financial...
  12. E

    Lescott [Merged]

    Who is arguing that he should stay? Not me. I want him to leave asap. So do Everton imo, any talk of "he is not going" is just bravado or propaganda to appease the fans. Moyes is no mug. He knows Lescott has to go, but he is not going to go cheap. He will of scanned the market for a quality left...
  13. E

    Lescott [Merged]

    The article is written to be inflamatory. City have more money than Man Utd does that make you bigger than them? City are a big club. Similar in size to Everton, but with more finincial resources, which makes you more powerful in the transfer market.
  14. E

    Lescott [Merged]

    Yeah the Rooney one really hurt. Especially Man Utd and all there scouse hateing guff. Truth is I don't blame Lescott. I would do exactly the same, but I would still respect the fans.
  15. E

    Lescott [Merged]

    That should just be Evertonians depressed. Read it before, we don't rate him either.
  16. E

    Lescott [Merged]

    Spot on, it's all that's wrong with the game. Nothing surprises me anymore. Look at Rooney FFS, I was in the away end at Old Trafford watching him kiss his Man Utd badge in front of the Everton fans. Ok we were singing "will you die Rooney". Incidently No news on any of the EFC forums on anything.
  17. E

    Lescott [Merged]

    Probably right mate. Life is hard at mo being an EFC fan, I'm just glad the Redshite got beat as well. Incidently Lescott did not even acknowledge the fans on Saturday. Some booed but were drowned out by those singing his name. Nothing, not even a wave.
  18. E

    Lescott [Merged]

    Cheers Fella, read that wrong. There is rumours on NSNO that City will be in for Arteta in January. Couldn't have this again.
  19. E

    Lescott [Merged]

    Hale Barnes I believe. I have seen his car a couple of times on the way into work going towards the M56 at Manchester Airport. I believe his kids go to school in Wilmslow. He does drive a Black Bentley Convertable with LE55COT as his plate.
  20. E

    Lescott [Merged]

    God no!!! Surely Everton can't live with that.

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