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  1. J

    Sergio Aguero.

    isnt this a sergio aguero thread??? im saying i think he needs more time to get used to the league as its completely different to la liga then i think he will come more into his own
  2. J

    Sergio Aguero.

    remember there being similar threads about silva when he first signed now look at him, give this lad time and he will become a top signing and to be fair he hasnt done bad already
  3. J

    New fans/tourists are embarrassing

    the worst one i heard after the match was "why didnt ballotelli play" the reply was "must of been resting him for saturday" then "doubt it dont think mancini likes playing him europe becasue he hasnt played the last couple of games either, if i was mancini id play him and tevez upfront against...
  4. J

    Our Centre Mids

    we have two of the beszt centre midfielders in the leaguewith nasri and silva so why does he keep playing them out wide? there not wingers causing them to come insdie to barry and toure who lose the ball allowing other teams to just counter us i.e. what napoli did, we need de jong in behind...
  5. J

    We really MUST not concede first tonight!

    we said that when we played chelsea home and away, and united at home in the semi
  6. J

    school match .....

  7. J

    The handshake snub

    Well in Bridgey lad
  8. J

    A good time to play Chelsea?

    to be fair it is a good time to play us aswell, not playing great football, adebayor banned, tevez not played for a while
  9. J

    Gareth Barry - usual waste of space

    would you have preferd it if robinho and petrov was playing tonight?? judging by that shit comment above i wouldnt be suprised
  10. J

    Gareth Barry - usual waste of space

    would you have preferd it if robinho and petrov was playing tonight?? judging by that shit comment above i wouldnt be suprised
  11. J

    Ade/Tevez - getting the right blend

    agreed, makes us play the ball along the floor instead of using a target man, but ade did quite well today
  12. J

    toure playing at wolves!!!

    just been cleared on OS..
  13. J

    just noticed on SSN...

    sometimes we havent got a choice mate, and i think thats why he might of been benched 2day becasue he wants him right for monday.
  14. J

    just noticed on SSN...

    richards to CB??
  15. J

    just noticed on SSN...

    i apologise was thinking about ade for some reason
  16. J

    just noticed on SSN...

    different countries have different rules
  17. J

    Starting XI V Stoke - Boxing Day

    definately this
  18. J

    Training Report 23.12.09

    i know but when the ball waas hoofed forward which sometimes cant be helped he controlled it excellent and we started our attacks in there half, not with our defenders
  19. J

    Training Report 23.12.09

    bad news ball being played on the floor means roque wont shine as much and they will play that lazy twat adebayor
  20. J

    Bellamy is not a left winger!!!

    Bellamy is probably having the best season of his life, and you think he is playing in the wrong position, he is the only player who will play on the left who is willing to get back, and has been excellent when attacking

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