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  1. Z

    Player Topic: Fabian Delph (2015/16)

    You might well be right. I am trying to be objective in terms of what they did productively. I remember Milner scoring a fair few goals and if memory serves correctly a good percentage of winners in tight games. He did play quite advanced for Villa and I guess he is some competition up there...
  2. Z

    Player Topic: Fabian Delph (2015/16)

    That's a pointless comparison, he was not your starting CM. he should have been and he would still be there and you would have a better midfield.
  3. Z

    Player Topic: Fabian Delph (2015/16)

    city fans were pleased to send him off knowing safe in the knowledge he wasn't good enough to get in ahead of Kompany and lescott. If love to see you clap your heart out Aguero heart out playing for Red Scouse at the Etihad. Anway off topic. whilst Delph isn't Wiltshere or Pogba, he's a...
  4. Z

    Player Topic: Fabian Delph (2015/16)

    Your probably talking about some teenagers, sat in the holte I couldn't hear any booing of Milner Barry deserved to get slaughtered after his press bollocks. It's a bit of unfair comparison, you sign the best player in our side and we sign an over the hill centre half who can't get in yours...
  5. Z

    Player Topic: Fabian Delph (2015/16)

    That is absolute bollocks about Milner. He's never been booed still a fans favourite, most were still hoping he'd come back ( before we fucked about at the bottom of the league for another season). Barry did a Sterling, bleated to the press about wanting to play Champions league football, and...
  6. Z

    Player Topic: Fabian Delph (2015/16)

    Villa fan here. The problem is he's nowhere near as good as Milner. I was gutted when Milner left, if Delph had left on a free without all loyalty bollocks, captain this etc, there would have been nowhere near the same issue. I'm intrigued to see how delph will get on, it's not too long ago...
  7. Z

    Give the Falklands back FFS

    Never offended me, apart from the rag bit!. But quagmires post was not sarcastic or funny just plain bollocks.
  8. Z

    Give the Falklands back FFS

    Quite right, please don't tar me with the rag brush. Only come on here to check out how the ex villa lads are getting on, and you lot have got to say about dunny and Ireland. I'm in the army ad well so something I am passionate about. Like I said I hoped it was a joke and not one of us that...
  9. Z

    Give the Falklands back FFS

    Hope your joking. The islands are more important than any football. Yeah its a boring six months, but you are defending your country. Argentinas actions in 1982 and the fact that our bloke died taking it back ensured we will never give it back. I'm going to take your post as a joke whinge.
  10. Z

    villa (ge) idiots

    Yep that's right 37% don't want to sell him at any price. Others think that 30 mill is a very good price. Why do some people find it hard that we wouldn't want to sell to one of our competition, barring a big improvement I can't see villa challenging utd for the title.
  11. Z

    villa (ge) idiots

    I'm well within my rights to have an opinion and give you an answer to why everyone hates city. You, sadly instead of trying to get perspective just prove my point, tools like you are the reason city are becoming disliked. On your other point, I can state with 100% honesty that I'm not...
  12. Z

    villa (ge) idiots

    Clearly a waste of time trying to have a football conversation on here, the idiots outweigh the decent. You have converted me, didn't used to mind city even when you bought Barry last summer, but some of the people on here, absolute hypocrites concerning the utd fans. Hope you get the season...
  13. Z

    villa (ge) idiots

    It's not envy. I know the villa players are playing for more than just money ( maybe with exception of heskey!). It's simply the fact that quite a few of the city fans are saying why does every one hate us. I gave you an answer it's because there is An air of arrogance despite achieving zero so...
  14. Z

    villa (ge) idiots

    Nice. I think it proves my point about the standard of some of the city fans. Why are you so sure you will be challenging for the title next season rumour is that milner is your top transfer target! I like him as a player but he's not going to do that for you. For 30 mill I'd look elsewhere...
  15. Z

    villa (ge) idiots

    ha ha true........ bitter it may be, but one thing it isn't, is arrogant. Some of the City fans go on about how the rest of football seems to hate you, ever stop to wonder why? Not so long ago City were fighting relegation every other season and now SOME (not all of you) seem to have forgotten...
  16. Z

    villa (ge) idiots

    Villa fan here big blue balls,..... your statement is so ironic considering how you lot have felt about the Rag fans for so long. I've posted on this forum a few times when it concerns Villa, and read on here occassionaly when we were both challenging for fourth. But it is the kind of...
  17. Z

    Villa Fans Want Well Over £20mill + Ireland For Milner.....

    really think you are missing the point. It is down to the player BECAUSE if he will not sign a new contract then his value will go from whatever you could get for him now down to a free transfer over the next 2 years. He will be worth nowhere near what Villa could get for him this year by this...
  18. Z

    Villa Fans Want Well Over £20mill + Ireland For Milner.....

    Who cares if you are not in for him next season, I hope you aren't. Just because you wouldn't be bidding it wouldn't mean that nobody else will. Yep I personally would keep him, even if he doesn't sign a contract extension with Villa, which he may well do seeing as he is 24. Lose out on...

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