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  1. N


    Although it's not an antidepressant, I used to take valium. I built up a tolerance to it pretty quickly and then got addicted to it, so much so that my doctor took me off it completely and I had to acquire some illegally to wean myself off it. I'm pretty sure that if you take a drug for long...
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    Worst Suited Acting Roles

    Surely Jonathan Rhys Meyers in The Tudors is the most miscast person on tv! Or was Henry VIII really a small, skinny, dark haired youth who had a hint of an Irish accent? To top it of he isn't even a very good actor. Shouting a lot and trying to mimic Marlon Brando's voice from the Godfather to...
  3. N

    if you don't believe then don't tick

    What do you put if you're agnostic or atheist but have Christian (or another Abrahamic religion) values? I'm sick of this census already, how can you narrow down something so complex to a few measly options.
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    The Electronic Music Thread ! Electro with a little hot jazz added in towards the end :D
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    Your favourite person in music.

    Phil Oakey, he has the best voice ever and I love how avant-garde he was. He still seems cool today as well from all the interviews I've seen of him. I actually just found this minutes ago and I was thinking what the hell! But he seems really nice despite talking to a bunch of idiots. This...
  6. N

    Lines that always make you laugh

    South Park is just way too funny. Here are a few of my favourites: Kyle: Wow! That's a lot of seamen, Cartman. Cartman: Yeah, I bought all that I could at this bank, and then I got the rest from this guy Ralph in an alley. Stan: That's cool. Cartman: Yeah, and the sweet thing is, the stupid...
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    What kind of snob are you?

    I will fully admit that I am a clothes snob, whoever said the thing about the tracksuits I agree with 100%, I won't even give them the time of day the scruffy buggers. And I'm quite the music snob as well, usually the afore mentioned listen to crap rap, hip hop or dance music. Usually, unless it...
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    MAN FLU!!!!
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    Manic Street Preachers

    Yeah I was wondering about SCD too but then I remembered they've always done that kind of thing, weren't they on Soccer AM and Top of the Pops. If I remember correctly their performance on TOTPs received the most complaints on the show at the time, don't know what they did though? Anyone care to...
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    If it's not the money, what were the promises made ?

    I thought this too but didn't say anything coz I thought they'd all laugh. They can laugh and point at us both now :)
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    Gunman Fires at Florida School Board Meeting (Video)

    Wow, there really are some lunatics out there in the world. That woman was pretty cool though even though it was quite funny with the handbag. I was watching street/road wars or something of the like once and there was a man running in the street and 3 women who had been shopping tried to take...
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    Manic Street Preachers

    I liked their earlier stuff, The Holy Bible is one of my favourite albums, but I think things went down hill after Richey left. Everything Must Go was decent I suppose but everything up to Journal for Plague Lovers is awful. Basically, if Richey had an input in it, I usually like it. So yeah, I...
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    Until Tevez goes I won't attend after January

    I don't think you should let one player stop you from supporting the rest of the team. Seems a bit silly to let one person ruin it for you. But if you are boycotting, I'll gladly take your place at the matches :)
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    Why are Liverpool fans always praised for being "sporting"

    Are they? I've never heard anything nice about them, I thought they were at the top for being scum with.... the Scum.
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    bobby on the OS

    Glad to know i'm not the only one God I love Mancini, he even looks cool in specs
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    This is England '90

    I wasn't that big a fan of '86 though I loved the film. Might watch a bit of it but my expectations aren't high.
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    world war

    We're looking at you Switzerland!
  18. N

    Panorama - Britsh Schools, Islamic Rules [Merged]

    It's worrying, I watched the programme too and they showed examples (albeit for a couple of seconds) of Christian and Jewish faith schools who were being taught to hate 'infidels'. I don't get why we have faith schools. State and religion should not be mixed. All it does is divide youths and...
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    world war

    I'm in! Can get the rest of my Christmas presents whilst we're occupying, choccies for the mother, beer for the father!
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    The Queen...


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