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  1. B

    Is there any pubs showing the game tonight?

    Aye probably the brunswick! Well you did ask!
  2. B

    Twitcher thinks we are a charity?

    He should wipe his tears......hold on the rest of his face would probably slide off. The 'orrible cockney fucker!
  3. B

    The standard of written English on this forum

    Although the spelling, use of txt spk and grammar of posts are dire at best and cringeworthy at worst, perhaps we should also address the content?
  4. B

    Alan Hansen "You won't win anything with strangers"

    I think that knock on the head that left him with that scar shook something vital loose!
  5. B

    Will we be the new passing side?

    Agreed but it will come, after all you can't score without possession! We just need to sharpen up a wee bit and it'll all be gravy (and chips)!
  6. B

    Can they all be wrong??

    I couldn't give a shit about what pundits, press or other fans say. The team wont stay strangers for long and then we'll see them recant. The only opinion in this, that counts, is mine! If I was worried about what other people thought, then I wouldn't be a City fan. I'd be one of those mewling...
  7. B

    Milner [Merged]

    I concur with BiB!
  8. B


    Jeleu: Sheik Mansour is a very quiet owner......however we have a guy called Gary Cook who occasionally talks absolute bollocks to the press and shows us up. He seems to have quietened down now..I think someone had a word. That George Becali is a clown.....very funny but a bit disturbing.
  9. B

    Girl who has slept with 5,000 men

    That is pure class! I may still be drunk but that will have me chuckling away to myself all day.
  10. B

    Code for official Bluemoon league

    Late as ever but I'm in! C'mon Bob Mancs Meat Balls!
  11. B


    Good work Dorin thanks for that. As for your English it is far better than some of the posts we get on here. Especially at chucking out time! ;P
  12. B

    Girl who has slept with 5,000 men

    If she ever gets preggers what abot the fetus? The poor bastard is going to need ropes, a harness, carabenas and fucking crampons! That was crampons not.............oh never mind!
  13. B

    Girl who has slept with 5,000 men

    Yeah 0751 555 INFECTED DIRTY WHORE could well be my ex!
  14. B

    MPW is signed by city.

    Apparently (source MuEN) Marco Pierre White is formulating stuff like a blackpudding and pork sausage roll for £3 and other such nonsense for the new seasons menu with our own chef at eastlands. As I have posted elsewhere give us hot, greasy and cheap (like our women) :P and we'll all be happy...
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    I think my thoughts on this are clear, I mean I don't even believe in myself!
  16. B

    FAO Bluemoon Manchester City fans (Facebook group)

    think I've just joined! I dunno, having a brain fucked day today.
  17. B

    Milner [Merged]

    That is still up in the air! We wont know one way or t'other until a definitive statement is given either way.
  18. B

    Have You Been On TV?

    Is that woman checking the other guy for nits? Is that why you've got a towel on your head, has she some kind of head fetish?
  19. B

    Have You Been On TV?

    I once "bubbled" by the TV. When I was a kid (aprrox 13) I was grounded for some kind of trouble that musn't of been my fault as I was an angel. Unfortunately this ment having to stay in one saturday afternoon and City were at home. I was given some jobs to do around the house and told under no...
  20. B

    Did Robinho return?

    I'm fairly sure it's not!

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