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  1. C

    Yaya Toure - commits future to City (page 855)

    Re: Yaya Toure I may be cynical but I am not a troll. You show me one player in the current squad who would have signed for City before the Sheik's money rolled in and I'll agree that that player is not a mercenary. I am criticising the modern game not City, most of the players are here for...
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    Yaya Toure - commits future to City (page 855)

    Re: Yaya Toure Admire the skills by all means, but those who hero worship modern players are mugs IMO. All the gushing club legend stuff about Toure over the last couple of months and he shafts us. Wise up, it's just business. If that makes me a troll so be it though I wouldn't mind betting...
  3. C

    Yaya Toure - commits future to City (page 855)

    Re: Yaya Toure One of the adjustments we need to make now we are a top club is that we are mainly going to attract mercenaries. Toure is the epitome of a mercenary, doesn't give a FF about the fans or the club. All he is concerned about is his own greed and ego. He won't give Manchester City a...
  4. C

    Season Card info now on OS

    It's a real dilemma. I am fortunate enough for the cost not to be the issue, I just hate leaving empty seats when we can't get there We have recently moved to the Chester area and don't know anyone we can give the tickets to when we don't use them. I would love someone else to just use them but...
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    Season Card info now on OS

    Thanks for that. It is not the money it is the fact that our seats will be empty for about 8 games a season that has stopped me renewing. We will take our chances booking game by game I think!
  6. C

    Season Card info now on OS

    We are giving up our season tickets this year as we are in our mid-60s and can't get to all the games (particularly with the number of night matches) and don't want to leave 2 empty seats. My question is how many tickets go on sale to none ST ticket holders? Assuming we keep our points total...
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    Yaya Toure - commits future to City (page 855)

    Re: Yaya Toure Not to point too fine a point on it players like Kompany, Silva and De Gea are intelligent enough to know their own minds, the Rooney's and Toure's are not the brightest buttons in the box and are consequently easy prey for their odious agents.
  8. C

    Eliaquim Mangala - now official

    Re: Eliaquim Mangala Although in danger of repeating myself I really can't see the point of signing any player who has publicly made it clear that his heart is not really in it. We have been here before and it usually ends in tears.
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    Yaya Toure - commits future to City (page 855)

    Re: Yaya Toure So Toure is made to stay when he doesn't really want to - well I would certainly not be looking forward to a season of "can't really be arsed" performances from him next season. Great though he can be there is enough of that about him on occasions already. Not much point having a...
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    Eliaquim Mangala - now official

    Re: Eliaquim Mangala I really don't know why we continue to bother with a player that doesn't really want to come here. If he does come we know it will end in tears and he will be pissing and moaning about something or other in a matter of months and trying to engineer a move, destabilising...
  11. C

    Yaya Toure - commits future to City (page 855)

    Re: Yaya Toure This has been all over the press for a couple of days. What exactly is stopping Toure putting the record straight if this is all one big mistake? Sorry he is showing no respect to the club or the fans end of
  12. C

    Yaya Toure - commits future to City (page 855)

    Re: Yaya Toure It will be interesting to see how our owners take to being publicly disrespected by Toure via his idiot of an agent. The comments about being better treated if he was at Liverpool were beyond the pale for me. I ultimately think both Balotelli and Tevez paid the price of bringing...
  13. C

    Poll? Yaya - cash in or keep?

    It will be interesting to see how our owners take to being publicly disrespected by Toure via his idiot of an agent. The comments about being better treated if he was at Liverpool were beyond the pale for me. I ultimately think both Balotelli and Tevez paid the price of bringing the club into...
  14. C

    Yaya Toure - commits future to City (page 855)

    Re: Yaya Toure Toure allowing his agent to abuse the club, owners and fans in the way he has is a disgrace and IMO nobody should be trying to make excuses for him. Totally lacking in class and I for one will not be happy if he is still here in August. Some things are actually more important...
  15. C

    Yaya Toure - commits future to City (page 855)

    Re: Yaya. The Ultimate Monster This has been out there long enough now so as Toure hasn't said anything I think it is safe to assume he is behind it. Personally I think it is an absolutely disgraceful way to treat the club and the fans. If he just wants to leave then this is completely the...
  16. C

    City & FFP | 2020/21 Accounts released | Revenues of £569.8m, £2.4m profit (p 2395)

    Re: City & FFP (continued) We all know that FFP was a cunning plan to protect the cartel but it's wasted emotion worrying about it. This is a good result make no mistake about it. The media can make out it's a record fine etc etc and the haters from other clubs can believe that we have got...
  17. C

    programme collecters

    You are entitled to your opinion but I am still waiting for information from a moderator on how to deactivate my account. I would appreciate it if you could help, it seems impossible to do without intervention from the administrators of the site.
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    De-activating account

    I would be very grateful if you could deactivate my account. Thanks
  19. C

    programme collecters

    Sorry I am so disgusted by that response could I request the moderators to delete my post about giving away programmes and delete my account, I will not be back on this site. When I saw the post about programme collectors I said to my wife that perhaps someone would be glad of my programmes but...
  20. C

    115 Goals so far, 29 more to take that record.

    Re: 110 Goals so far, 34 more to take that record. Thanks for taking the time to provide me with such an informative answer.

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