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  1. J

    Did it again!!!

    i think that should be "the Sky 4 are no longer the limit"
  2. J

    How can people still be negative about mancini?

    Another fucking idiotic comment, ask for an opinion and as long as it's the same as yours it ok. I'm a city fan and remember when we were shit and didn't care, but all you seem happy about is a trophy. I'm not for or against mourinho but are you one of those anti due to his negative Footy or as...
  3. J

    How can people still be negative about mancini?

    Because even though we may get third and we've won a trophey, some of us believe that most managers with our squad should be able to do the same and with more flair and entertainment. How many of us stood in the kippax watching Brian hortins men win 4-3 or get beat 5-1 and thought, fuck me what...
  4. J

    Australian Foxtel is a ****** disgrace

    tell me about it, its on at 12.30pm, what a crock
  5. J

    images needed

    Cheers - any help with the name/numbers
  6. J

    images needed

    Hi, I'm doing some printing and i'm having trouble locating a decent image of the city crest and if possble a copy of all names and numbers of players - like the ones you get on them things that football shirts that you stick on the car windows. Seeing as you guys have so much stored on your...
  7. J

    Anyone who hasnt got a City Tattoo.....

    i was gonna get one of the name of every player to have ever graced the great shirt along with all their stats in Bold Italics size 16(games played, goals scored, assist etc) on my dick, but i decided against it as i didnt know what to do with the rest of the space :)
  8. J

    SSN living in the past

    Some tool reporter (james cooper i think) was talking about the rags match against spuds and stated that baconface is hoping that valencia and Tevez come back ok. imean where's this guy been all summer. once again SSN with there fingers on the pulse. Sorry if posted elsewhere
  9. J

    Arsenal Ticket(s)

    Looking for 2 arsenal tickets, last game in uk as off to aus 15/9. short notice i know but will be grateful - looking to take my 7 year old before we go. please pm me
  10. J

    How many times.....

    and the answer to all 3 is countless
  11. J

    stuart taylor, just a thought

    was thinking that myself. still at least he wont moan about being on the bench wanting a start
  12. J

    Its the wum speaking here............

    not relegated due to the war otherwise they'd have gone down then.
  13. J

    Next season is MH more likely to play 442 or 433?

    knowing hughes with all his striking options it'll probably be 4-2-3-1 :)
  14. J

    Lescott [Merged]

    2 other threads with it on lol
  15. J

    How do loans work? / Jo

    is he cup tied
  16. J

    Goldenballs Beckham

    didnt he adv kaka theres only one team in manchester and it wasnt us??
  17. J

    The ITK Discussion Thread [Merged]

    where's the chair putter otters son when you need him - any news on how many and in what formation. Oh and whatever you do, don't call his dad a liar :)
  18. J

    Spursmad please return

    yeah come on spursmad, i mean where else can u get slagged for passing info you post in good faith and get slagged off from others because you have no info at the same time.
  19. J

    Lucho Gonzalez!!!

  20. J

    Why City?

    was brought up a red thanks to my dad who told how great they were, but the first match i went to was city v shrewsbury town (i think). got free tickets from school, so off i went. I got to Maine Rd and bought 3 RAG badges for a quid each from the shop on the corner. i remeber thinking how...

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