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  1. B

    Next two games

    From your " Roll on the summer " thread, I thought you had give up on this season.
  2. B

    Check This Out

    I don't think it's been mentioned but one of the record transfers that took place in the rags history, and what sums them up, is the British transfer fee (45,000) paid for Albert Quixall in Sept 1958, this was after the rags had recieved donations and financial assistance from all clubs...
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    Daft Donald

    It's obvious you both know him cause what you say is spot on.
  4. B

    Daft Donald

    You might of seen Donald at the match and he might of hung around with your lot on away games, but one thing for sure is is Donald never had a daft manc Rochdale accent, if there is such a thing, cause he's from Langley and anyone from there is a proper Manc, Langley was north manchester's...
  5. B

    Rags Thread

    Re: North-West tonight Cop for that Pigeonho!
  6. B

    We're not really here?

    When we were in the 3rd division and played in the Johnsons Paint cup game or what ever crap cup in midweek we only got about 3k or 4k, so the papers had a picture of an empty Maine Road with another picture of the swamp full cause they played the same or next night in the CL, then on the Sat we...
  7. B

    Would you have Ronaldo?

  8. B

    Garry Cook appreciation?

    Spot on, what a brilliant post but you'll always get moaners who don't see the bigger picture.
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    Mancini: We will need 24 good players next season

    It looks like Silva isn't good enough, I think you've just forgot to put him in your list or you're fucking mad.
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    I said he had 8 games to prove me wrong, I'm sorry but....

    fbloke, you have to say this because we've won the cup and got a good chance of finishing 3rd, so you would look stupid to question Mancini anymore but to question him after the Liverpool defeat only shows how negative you are, I bet your a right moaning **** and one of them who doesn't do the...
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    West Ham fans.

    If I'd been born in London West Ham are the club I would of supported, proper club and support.
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    I've heard Christian's brother is a blue.
  13. B

    Silva or Tevez?

    Silva more important to the team imo.
  14. B

    sod the champions league

    We have fans leaving early, fans moaning, fans not coming to cup games etc, yet we're in the top 3, the later stages of 2 cup competitions, have the best owners you could wish for, the best set of players since the 70's, the best manager since Mercer/Alison, the conclusion reached is that we...
  15. B

    The Poznan Celebration

    I can't believe how jealous you rags are, what is fucking cringey is anything to do with your club, starting with them fucking stalls at the swamp selling Norwich scarves, also Red Wings stop being so BITTER!
  16. B

    alex ferguson in sexist insult shocker

    The user name is a personal joke, I'm not a rag and I've held a season ticket for many years, don't let your paranoia get the better of you, I understand you get lots of annoying wind up post on here and that might be the reason behind your post.
  17. B

    alex ferguson in sexist insult shocker

    I've heard about the Vicky Kloss insults and agree he should of been nailed for that but I don't know if the club took it any further.
  18. B

    i would like

    If we play 4 4 2 with Dzeko and Balotelli upfront I presume your hoping for plenty of crosses etc, I think football isn't played as rigid as this otherwise it would be to easy to play against, 4 4 2 is the basic shape to have when defending but when in possession and attacking you've got to be...
  19. B

    That place near Lancashire Cricket Ground.

    I think what I said might be right, come on just admit it, you like city nobody will take the piss.
  20. B

    alex ferguson in sexist insult shocker

    I despise Bacon face with a passion and don't agree with his knighthood etc but I think this is scraping the barrel,having said that I'd still love it if he got f***** for it though.

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