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  1. M

    Rag Songs

    ?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? anybody ?????????????????????/
  2. M

    City Vs Wolves Post Match Discussion Thread

    worst ref ive ever seen
  3. M

    Rag Songs

    anybody out there know what the citizens were singing at exactly 63min 30 sec during derby demolition?? whatever it was it sounded awesome especially seeing all the rag boys get upset over it
  4. M

    Rags or Barca?

    silly question, barca in the semi and def rags in the final
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    Champions League draw continued (merged)

    Re: The S*n Champs League page.... how bout that jealous fuck tenib from villa, he needs serious help
  6. M

    The Spanish Love Silva

    You guys should see how our profile has risen in Australia. We lead any news on the tv when it comes to the premier league and their is a big buzz around towards the club. Big thumbs up to the Sheik, the board, the players and the fans who do the poznan - they love it over here!!!
  7. M

    You can smell the fear....

    Fuck em!! they are all jealous and im lovin every bit of it
  8. M

    Fair Play comparison versus Rags

    Who gives a fuck!!! we got the cash why not buy the best at whatever cost! They are all just jealous and when people try to have ago at us cos of our spending power i just rub it in even more and tell em to look out cos we might go out and buy their gun players - whoever they support!!
  9. M

    Daily Mail...At it again...

    Fuck em i say, ive grown to have thick skin when it comes to this shit cos at the end of the day they write this shit from the stench in their jox! They are all shiiting themselves - cmon Bobby get this super team working well together and lets shove it up their arses!!!!!!!!!
  10. M

    A significant signing

    all thanks to the one and only sheik!! You citizens should get up at our next home game and dedicate a very nice long song to the man that has turned us into one of the worlds best sides, you probably already do but i think you should sing a song that blows the media away and gets published all...
  11. M

    If not Nasri, then who?

    Nasri will do - Welcome to Manchester Samir
  12. M

    The Sun

    why you offended mate, im telling you thats their agenda and ive got no doubt about it. They dont like our "arab" financial muscle and if we were Arsenal or Liverpool they would be hailing and praising us for our ambition. Since when was City hated so much?? Sure they are jealous of our spending...
  13. M

    The Sun

    The Sun is comical, ive said it before and ill say it again there is a massive behind the scenes agenda going on due to our club being owned by an arab muslim! The western world is anti arabia and they cant handle an arab muslim boy dominating the game so they will attempt to derail us in any...
  14. M

    Rag delusion.

    Raga are....Rags!!! They cant handle us becoming a force and will always be in denial in regards to our rise to the top. The one and only Sheik is a multi multi billionare hence a WINNER, throughout his life he has WON!! He will turn this mighty great club into the biggest "WINNERS" in time and...
  15. M

    Really have to laugh at the bitterness...

    who bloody cares, money talks in this game and jealousy's a curse!! They can all eat shit and keep watching us rise to the top agueroooooooo style. They all have been spending to stay at the top now those clubs simply cant compete with the Sheiks billions.
  16. M

    City Vs Swansea Post Match Discussion Thread

    WOW WOW WOW!!!!!! Welcome to Manchester El Kun Kun Ageuroooooooo!!!! What a jet he is, superb silva, damaging dzeko and the rest of the boys were GREAT tonight. Well worth the 5am wake up...
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    Sneijder (Merged)

    Re: Tevez 4 Sneijder: Yes or No? No! Inter would need to throw in at least 10mill for the deal, after all Tevez is a hard working goal scoring machine
  18. M

    Ferguson says Utd far fitter than City

    fuck what ferguson says!
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    Mancini braced for another slow start....

    one thing i dont like about bobby is his negative comments in the media. He goes on about lack of transfers and now lack of preparation. Sorry bobby but its time to deliver, he has been given unlimited resources and should not be giving the boys an excuse cos at the end of the day the buck stops...

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